Success story of Facebook

Facebook and a big success storyWhen he arrived at Marc Zakrberg to the city of Palo Alto in California four years ago did not have a car carrying him or beta harboring or pursuant to shield them from the question, and even does not look this grim picture is a chapter from the novel Les Miserables, the Mark today holds the helm of the leadership of his social "Facebook Dot com ", which connects people globally known each other, refusing at the same time the hands that stretched out to him with offers of up to one billion dollars. Is it possible this boy?
Life on the edge of the abyssIn just three years transformed the operations site "Facebook dot com" from the depths of the apartments rented settlement to Rehab corporate offices luxury that is available with three meals a day in addition to service Laundry and dry cleaning, but despite this apparent development but it has remained scattered chambers student housing university .Like the life story of the film began Zakrberg child invents a miracle technology phenomenon while studying at the University of luxury, a Harvard, and then fired to raise a storm of interest. With the rise of his star students begin eminent roam near his room in University accommodation in the hope of identifying him personally. The chapter ends by leaving the College to work on the development of his invention and make Superman that will change the world as the Covenant. And actually what started four years ago as just a Web site a social Networking Site for University students is now the front favorite for more than 42 million subscribers (October 2007 and forecasts say the number will become 60 million by the end of 2007), including employees of government agencies and companies in the list of giants of 500. The site receives daily visits from more than half of the subscriber. According to company "comScore Media Matrix," which tracks the movement of the web site "Facebook" is the sixth site used in the United States - and this means that 1% of the time you go online for the site "Facebook."
Also classified according to the company's website mentioned in the first place in terms of numbers of alternating images on the Internet, where the number of those loaded on the site per day to six million a picture. And began to compete with online search engine "Google" with Flickr and 85 million images and other technology giants. As the interface of choice for talented young engineers seeking in the U.S. and Silicon Valley. Says Debra Aho Williamson, an analyst at E - Markir e-Marketer Site that walking at a fast pace to bring in $ 100 million in revenue this year - this amount is not significant.Zakrberg recognized that "hacker" Hacker said: "Most people think they hear the word" hacker "that the subject is about to penetrate systems," but Ajarik this view, if what she Bhakr know when you differ with him in the translation of this word. For him going on about the hacker community participation effort and knowledge to accomplish something bigger, better and faster than can a single individual to do.Explains this, saying: "There is a strong emphasis on openness and participation as a strategy process and the information model to accomplish anything." He even has invented a new term as "Hakathonz" Hackathons suspended on Facebook - which is synonymous with what might be interpreted by others as a session focused for the exchange of ideas among a group of engineers.
Mark Zakrberg, hacker-villainBut why the site "Facebook" to the front of the world was originally based on the intrusion and illegal entry of the forthcoming model, and was Zakrberg is the culprit.Zakrberg grew up in the suburb of "Dobbs Ferry" luxury in New York, the second-sisters and the only son of a dentist (By the way did not suffer from tooth decay) and a psychologist (I leave the reader thinking humor appropriate here). Manipulating the computer age began early and taught himself how to program. And he developed and his colleague De Angelo Adam D'Angelo before graduating from high school program that works as a feature for additional music player mp3 known as Winamp "Winamp", and aims to follow and learn your habits to listen to music for the later establishment of a list of songs he likes your taste. After the publication of the program for free on the Internet arose attention of major companies such as Microsoft, America Online and on the phone tone Khataboh Zakrberg recollected, saying: "Look you can come to work for us. Oh, by the way brought to you that the thing programmed. " But instead snapped up offers two decided to follow-up study, he enrolled at the University of DeAngelo "Caltech" and Zakrberg at the University "Harvard".
Here, events occur ring crime penetration, which began its motives because of the lack of Harvard University for the names and pictures of students in the basic manual, a guide to customary at other universities as a book and faces of students, Face Book, and in return he wanted Zakrberg create an electronic copy of this information, but the university says Zakrberg "insisted on the argument that a lot of reasons to prevent the collection of such information" and adds: "I just wanted to prove to them that this is possible." In one night the beginning of the school year broke through the second Zakrberg electronic student records at the university, and established a simple, called "Face Mash" "Facemash" which works on a comparison of pictures of students with images of visitors to determine which one the "most attractive" form.During the four hours provided the site and visitors viewed 450 22.000 files, and when he discovered his severed Harvard University and the internet connection for Zakrberg. After a party reprimanded by management and that was accompanied by considerable controversy on campus according to the magazine right guaranteed by the university apologized politely Zakrberg of his fellow students. But he insisted on his conviction that he had done the right thing by saying: "I think that that information must be provided." (Harvard University refused to comment on this incident.)
And ultimately to deliberately evasive Zakrberg management. Stood model for the work of the book faces Facebook, and asked his colleagues, enter their data themselves. And helped him in the beginning of his friends Andrew McCollum and EduardoSaverin has consumed his time, much of it so that by the end of the first chapter and two days before the examination of art and history found himself in a catch, is not solved only study the 500 photos from the era of ROMANIAN [translator: an era of August the first Roman Emperor] Says Zakrberg: "were not present article is similar to the account or mathematics on the one hand the application of theories and then calculating the numbers, where you must save it before the time of the exam." Solution was that the adventure-style adventures of Tom Sawyer, Fbna sites on the Internet and put all of these images in Page has been allocated a place for comments. And He sent an e-mail calling on his colleagues to visit the site and post their observations about the historical image, just as in the seminars is to discuss the task on the Internet. He adds by saying: "During the two hours were filled with pages of pictures of the observations and results of the exam was good not just for me but for all."
The Facebook site off site as originally named in the February 4, 2004. And participated in half of the students studying in Harvard University in two weeks and then reached number to two-thirds. Later joined his friends to Zakrberg Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes to help add other features and operation of the site, relying on a hosting service for sites cost $ 85 a month.This was followed by the desire of students from other faculties view their statements and their faces on the site, prompting the trio to the allocation of spaces for new participants from universities such as Stanford and Yale. By May, the participants arrived at the site to 30 universities. The revenue comes from advertising student events, private business colleges, which amounted to a few thousand dollars.
Zakrberg say about this achievement, "here is what we had hoped to travel to California to spend the summer holidays there Bangazna celebration."And really went at the end of the second year (after they left university and decided to finally pay attention to the site full-time) to the city of Palo Alto Palo Alto, accompanied by his two friends Moskowitz and Hughes and Adam. Rented an apartment upon arrival in a settlement with the founder Sean Parker lifting files Sharing service Napster is not far from the campus of Stanford University and intervened here for chicken eggs.
CaseIn September 2004, the company and site ConnectU sued Mark and he stole all the code which codes for use in his personal and the case is still pending was not found guilty of Mark for this moment. And the story was that he was appointed to the this company to develop the site stood up to take the code and the mailing list and send a message to all induce them to enroll in the company revealed its subject. And now vice versa Customs says that the fact that U is a cut to steal from its mailing list and send them messages because the register in place and they raise the issue of this matter, and things are still stuck between their cause and their cause.
Beginning of the investmentWas the first investment by the establishment of the joint founder of the company and site Paypal, Peter Thiel in the amount of $ 500,000.
In March 2005 the site was able to sum she has firm Accel Partners to pump the amount of $ 12.7 million in capital investment. And in August the same year bought a domain name Facebook Facebook without the "a" from The About Face Corporation in the amount of $ 200,000.
In February 2006, Facebook began allowing college students to add university students as friends. And a month later, rumors began to appear about the possibility of buying the site from the Giants adults. In the same month, Facebook has its most dramatic progress, namely to enable a third party and Mtorien to write applications for the site.
In April 2006 Peter Thiel Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital Partners invested an additional $ 25 million in the site.
2007Facebook in the last year of several additions to the site, and ratings services, which expanded the area of ​​the site and recently bought Microsoft's 1.6 site in the amount of $ 240 million and also acquired online advertising network on Facebook at the moment.
Facebook as the value of his company with $ 3.7 billion. Clearer information through the court file is not protected and monitored properly.
Estimates of prices of Facebook as a global:Known as the Public Information Office The Associated Press that the value of Facebook $ 3.7 billion only. Of course, the amount is less than $ 15 billion, the amount estimated by Microsoft in 2007 for Facebook, which bought the shares when the time value of $ 240 million in Facebook.
Information emerging from the protected files are exchanged in the court which took place between Facebook and ConnectU, which was finally resolved (we were waiting impatiently for the result).
Sinned stupidAP concluded that the value of the shares in unregistered stock of U.S. $ 8.88 each.Information taken from this file secret ballot, on the basis of which it can not read all the information on it, but it is possible easily copy and paste the data. If the court does not succeed in hiding the financial information in the file of the pdf. Where it is under the words "confidential or Deleted" box is white, but is possible with printed copy and find out what is written with ease. Search also possible in the file for words deleted!! And the spokesman declined from Facebook about to give any details and even Microsoft.
It is noted that in May, lawyers said the social network that shares owned by Microsoft's site does not compare the real value of Facebook.
Microsoft has bought preferred stock in Facebook, that if any thing happened to the company be the first to get her financial rights. He said the lawyers and the $ 240 million paid by Microsoft is like comparing apples with pears.
SettlementHe analysts that revenue Facebook reached last year between 250 and 300 million euros. And wanted friends ex's Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook) and who are behind ConnectU settle the issue among themselves when it became clear that the value of Facebook really is a quarter of its Microsoft-only.
And friends already got what they wanted and the case was resolved with a $ 65 million will be paid partly by sharesIn the company.
Clear from the file also that Facebook is willing to pay $ 20 million in cash to ConnectU. As well as the switch was 1,253,326 shares of the owner: if we follow the law, it means that Microsoft's stock, worth $ 45 million, but if we follow the estimates of Facebook stock value of $ 11 million. ConnectU received any amount between 31,000,065 million.
Here the last estimate of the Facebook New York Times, which was able to determine the value of Facebook is good and almost without regard to the confidential file.
Lessons learned from the story:First of cooperation: cooperation between friends who was one of the most important reasons for the success of this site and the online world is witnessing a boom in the construction sites on a global basis for cooperation and division of functions and knowledge to work as a team.Second, the creation of Mark site needs a lot of people and students, particularly on the face and there was a demand for it: It is initially focused on the students, but then became everyone wants to join. Member of the growth rate of 3% per week is astonishing rate did not reach the other company so far. Stained by almost 50 and more than half of them visit the site at least once a month. Creating a series for the exchange of information and selection of persons and the members who want to exchange information with them. So you see all those in your network just as the home or company or school.Third, several features of the site and experience: The Wall, Gift, Marketplace, Pokes, Status, Events, Applications like iLike, platform, Graffiti, Adomomics, Video's, Games, Chess, Class Schedules Online, ...For October 24, 2007 There are more than 6,500 feature and application.Fourth, many attributed the cause of the success that Mark began to publish the location in the famous Harvard University and this in itself leads to the cause of the success of the University since it is very famous and well known. Fate and played at this point. And spread at first by students with each other.Fifth: The building name and brand is known and familiar and so will not forget the public and the advertisers are also interested in the brand, not just pressure on the ads, but "strong brand" that advertisers want to work with.Story adapted from Ellen Mcguirt - Powered Moataz Frames - Blogs Sinbad, with additions from other sites our translation: Cash Flo

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Facebook and a big success storyWhen he arrived at Marc Zakrberg to the city of Palo Alto in California four years ago did not have a car carrying him or beta harboring or pursuant to shield them from the question, and even does not look this grim picture is a chapter from the novel Les Miserables, the Mark today holds the helm of the leadership of his social "Facebook Dot com ", which connects people globally known each other, refusing at the same time the hands that stretched out to him with offers of up to one billion dollars. Is it possible this boy?
Life on the edge of the abyssIn just three years transformed the operations site "Facebook dot com" from the depths of the apartments rented settlement to Rehab corporate offices luxury that is available with three meals a day in addition to service Laundry and dry cleaning, but despite this apparent development but it has remained scattered chambers student housing university .Like the life story of the film began Zakrberg child invents a miracle technology phenomenon while studying at the University of luxury, a Harvard, and then fired to raise a storm of interest. With the rise of his star students begin eminent roam near his room in University accommodation in the hope of identifying him personally. The chapter ends by leaving the College to work on the development of his invention and make Superman that will change the world as the Covenant. And actually what started four years ago as just a Web site a social Networking Site for University students is now the front favorite for more than 42 million subscribers (October 2007 and forecasts say the number will become 60 million by the end of 2007), including employees of government agencies and companies in the list of giants of 500. The site receives daily visits from more than half of the subscriber. According to company "comScore Media Matrix," which tracks the movement of the web site "Facebook" is the sixth site used in the United States - and this means that 1% of the time you go online for the site "Facebook."
Also classified according to the company's website mentioned in the first place in terms of numbers of alternating images on the Internet, where the number of those loaded on the site per day to six million a picture. And began to compete with online search engine "Google" with Flickr and 85 million images and other technology giants. As the interface of choice for talented young engineers seeking in the U.S. and Silicon Valley. Says Debra Aho Williamson, an analyst at E - Markir e-Marketer Site that walking at a fast pace to bring in $ 100 million in revenue this year - this amount is not significant.Zakrberg recognized that "hacker" Hacker said: "Most people think they hear the word" hacker "that the subject is about to penetrate systems," but Ajarik this view, if what she Bhakr know when you differ with him in the translation of this word. For him going on about the hacker community participation effort and knowledge to accomplish something bigger, better and faster than can a single individual to do.Explains this, saying: "There is a strong emphasis on openness and participation as a strategy process and the information model to accomplish anything." He even has invented a new term as "Hakathonz" Hackathons suspended on Facebook - which is synonymous with what might be interpreted by others as a session focused for the exchange of ideas among a group of engineers.
Mark Zakrberg, hacker-villainBut why the site "Facebook" to the front of the world was originally based on the intrusion and illegal entry of the forthcoming model, and was Zakrberg is the culprit.Zakrberg grew up in the suburb of "Dobbs Ferry" luxury in New York, the second-sisters and the only son of a dentist (By the way did not suffer from tooth decay) and a psychologist (I leave the reader thinking humor appropriate here). Manipulating the computer age began early and taught himself how to program. And he developed and his colleague De Angelo Adam D'Angelo before graduating from high school program that works as a feature for additional music player mp3 known as Winamp "Winamp", and aims to follow and learn your habits to listen to music for the later establishment of a list of songs he likes your taste. After the publication of the program for free on the Internet arose attention of major companies such as Microsoft, America Online and on the phone tone Khataboh Zakrberg recollected, saying: "Look you can come to work for us. Oh, by the way brought to you that the thing programmed. " But instead snapped up offers two decided to follow-up study, he enrolled at the University of DeAngelo "Caltech" and Zakrberg at the University "Harvard".
Here, events occur ring crime penetration, which began its motives because of the lack of Harvard University for the names and pictures of students in the basic manual, a guide to customary at other universities as a book and faces of students, Face Book, and in return he wanted Zakrberg create an electronic copy of this information, but the university says Zakrberg "insisted on the argument that a lot of reasons to prevent the collection of such information" and adds: "I just wanted to prove to them that this is possible." In one night the beginning of the school year broke through the second Zakrberg electronic student records at the university, and established a simple, called "Face Mash" "Facemash" which works on a comparison of pictures of students with images of visitors to determine which one the "most attractive" form.During the four hours provided the site and visitors viewed 450 22.000 files, and when he discovered his severed Harvard University and the internet connection for Zakrberg. After a party reprimanded by management and that was accompanied by considerable controversy on campus according to the magazine right guaranteed by the university apologized politely Zakrberg of his fellow students. But he insisted on his conviction that he had done the right thing by saying: "I think that that information must be provided." (Harvard University refused to comment on this incident.)
And ultimately to deliberately evasive Zakrberg management. Stood model for the work of the book faces Facebook, and asked his colleagues, enter their data themselves. And helped him in the beginning of his friends Andrew McCollum and EduardoSaverin has consumed his time, much of it so that by the end of the first chapter and two days before the examination of art and history found himself in a catch, is not solved only study the 500 photos from the era of ROMANIAN [translator: an era of August the first Roman Emperor] Says Zakrberg: "were not present article is similar to the account or mathematics on the one hand the application of theories and then calculating the numbers, where you must save it before the time of the exam." Solution was that the adventure-style adventures of Tom Sawyer, Fbna sites on the Internet and put all of these images in Page has been allocated a place for comments. And He sent an e-mail calling on his colleagues to visit the site and post their observations about the historical image, just as in the seminars is to discuss the task on the Internet. He adds by saying: "During the two hours were filled with pages of pictures of the observations and results of the exam was good not just for me but for all."
The Facebook site off site as originally named in the February 4, 2004. And participated in half of the students studying in Harvard University in two weeks and then reached number to two-thirds. Later joined his friends to Zakrberg Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes to help add other features and operation of the site, relying on a hosting service for sites cost $ 85 a month.This was followed by the desire of students from other faculties view their statements and their faces on the site, prompting the trio to the allocation of spaces for new participants from universities such as Stanford and Yale. By May, the participants arrived at the site to 30 universities. The revenue comes from advertising student events, private business colleges, which amounted to a few thousand dollars.
Zakrberg say about this achievement, "here is what we had hoped to travel to California to spend the summer holidays there Bangazna celebration."And really went at the end of the second year (after they left university and decided to finally pay attention to the site full-time) to the city of Palo Alto Palo Alto, accompanied by his two friends Moskowitz and Hughes and Adam. Rented an apartment upon arrival in a settlement with the founder Sean Parker lifting files Sharing service Napster is not far from the campus of Stanford University and intervened here for chicken eggs.
CaseIn September 2004, the company and site ConnectU sued Mark and he stole all the code which codes for use in his personal and the case is still pending was not found guilty of Mark for this moment. And the story was that he was appointed to the this company to develop the site stood up to take the code and the mailing list and send a message to all induce them to enroll in the company revealed its subject. And now vice versa Customs says that the fact that U is a cut to steal from its mailing list and send them messages because the register in place and they raise the issue of this matter, and things are still stuck between their cause and their cause.
Beginning of the investmentWas the first investment by the establishment of the joint founder of the company and site Paypal, Peter Thiel in the amount of $ 500,000.
In March 2005 the site was able to sum she has firm Accel Partners to pump the amount of $ 12.7 million in capital investment. And in August the same year bought a domain name Facebook Facebook without the "a" from The About Face Corporation in the amount of $ 200,000.
In February 2006, Facebook began allowing college students to add university students as friends. And a month later, rumors began to appear about the possibility of buying the site from the Giants adults. In the same month, Facebook has its most dramatic progress, namely to enable a third party and Mtorien to write applications for the site.
In April 2006 Peter Thiel Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital Partners invested an additional $ 25 million in the site.
2007Facebook in the last year of several additions to the site, and ratings services, which expanded the area of ​​the site and recently bought Microsoft's 1.6 site in the amount of $ 240 million and also acquired online advertising network on Facebook at the moment.
Facebook as the value of his company with $ 3.7 billion. Clearer information through the court file is not protected and monitored properly.
Estimates of prices of Facebook as a global:Known as the Public Information Office The Associated Press that the value of Facebook $ 3.7 billion only. Of course, the amount is less than $ 15 billion, the amount estimated by Microsoft in 2007 for Facebook, which bought the shares when the time value of $ 240 million in Facebook.
Information emerging from the protected files are exchanged in the court which took place between Facebook and ConnectU, which was finally resolved (we were waiting impatiently for the result).
Sinned stupidAP concluded that the value of the shares in unregistered stock of U.S. $ 8.88 each.Information taken from this file secret ballot, on the basis of which it can not read all the information on it, but it is possible easily copy and paste the data. If the court does not succeed in hiding the financial information in the file of the pdf. Where it is under the words "confidential or Deleted" box is white, but is possible with printed copy and find out what is written with ease. Search also possible in the file for words deleted!! And the spokesman declined from Facebook about to give any details and even Microsoft.
It is noted that in May, lawyers said the social network that shares owned by Microsoft's site does not compare the real value of Facebook.
Microsoft has bought preferred stock in Facebook, that if any thing happened to the company be the first to get her financial rights. He said the lawyers and the $ 240 million paid by Microsoft is like comparing apples with pears.
SettlementHe analysts that revenue Facebook reached last year between 250 and 300 million euros. And wanted friends ex's Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook) and who are behind ConnectU settle the issue among themselves when it became clear that the value of Facebook really is a quarter of its Microsoft-only.
And friends already got what they wanted and the case was resolved with a $ 65 million will be paid partly by sharesIn the company.
Clear from the file also that Facebook is willing to pay $ 20 million in cash to ConnectU. As well as the switch was 1,253,326 shares of the owner: if we follow the law, it means that Microsoft's stock, worth $ 45 million, but if we follow the estimates of Facebook stock value of $ 11 million. ConnectU received any amount between 31,000,065 million.
Here the last estimate of the Facebook New York Times, which was able to determine the value of Facebook is good and almost without regard to the confidential file.
Lessons learned from the story:First of cooperation: cooperation between friends who was one of the most important reasons for the success of this site and the online world is witnessing a boom in the construction sites on a global basis for cooperation and division of functions and knowledge to work as a team.Second, the creation of Mark site needs a lot of people and students, particularly on the face and there was a demand for it: It is initially focused on the students, but then became everyone wants to join. Member of the growth rate of 3% per week is astonishing rate did not reach the other company so far. Stained by almost 50 and more than half of them visit the site at least once a month. Creating a series for the exchange of information and selection of persons and the members who want to exchange information with them. So you see all those in your network just as the home or company or school.Third, several features of the site and experience: The Wall, Gift, Marketplace, Pokes, Status, Events, Applications like iLike, platform, Graffiti, Adomomics, Video's, Games, Chess, Class Schedules Online, ...For October 24, 2007 There are more than 6,500 feature and application.Fourth, many attributed the cause of the success that Mark began to publish the location in the famous Harvard University and this in itself leads to the cause of the success of the University since it is very famous and well known. Fate and played at this point. And spread at first by students with each other.Fifth: The building name and brand is known and familiar and so will not forget the public and the advertisers are also interested in the brand, not just pressure on the ads, but "strong brand" that advertisers want to work with.Story adapted from Ellen Mcguirt - Powered Moataz Frames - Blogs Sinbad, with additions from other sites our translation: Cash Flo