About MySpace

Spread of social networks on the Internet and more patrons of all ages and tastes dramatically, which found the pirates an easy target to achieve their goals, so the advice of experts in the field of e-security users of social networking sites need to be careful when you receive messages that include invitations to join the other places.
He justified the Symantec experts to that in many cases, these calls are exploited by hackers to cover for the personal data of the user to use it in fraud carried out by the international network.
The company added that the sites specialized in sending e-mails advertising capture the victims of social networking users who receive their e-mail to a stream of these messages disturbing.
Experts advise attendees social networking sites such as 'Facebook' and 'Bebo' and 'Mai' Sepes that the user does not reveal a lot of his own secrets and personal data, especially the secrets of private life which should be cautious in its disclosure.
This increases the risk significantly in sites that may ask some of the requests exotic, such as advertisements figure on Page One of the problems of other sites of social identification and try to use some of that to change the data on the personal pages and the means to control the failure to use evidence of the person in passwords In other words, do not use children's names or birth dates in passwords.
Comes these warnings coincide with the other fired by experts to protect the Internet, from falling into the trap of what they called''organized crime''by disclosing information value and the exchange of the correct address and even credit card numbers, bank accounts, because these sites is porous and can be used to blackmail, especially when the The technology used to facilitate the targeting of gangs, some simple even children have been kidnapped, it is not the normal Internet user alone the likes of social networking sites, but the pirates or''network''criminals as well.

Experts predict that these sites now, including the famous sites''Face book''and''My space''and''Orkut'', will be one of the most important objectives of the pirates in 2008.
, And warns of security companies on the Internet that the intimate nature of these sites make users share information without thinking, exposing them to various types of attacks.
Falcom masses of data available on the pages users can make spam more accurate in targeting the funds, e-mail, or make phishing e-mail more convincing.
It is known that these sites known as an overwhelming response in 2007, where it holds a variety of information users for personal and professional lives and their activities.
Says David Porter of the company Detyka of security on the Internet that this new approach will make the pirates give up their campaigns against the operating systems like Windows and their attempts to exploit gaps in order to steal data.
He adds:''Many of the attacks are now attempts to persuade you'''by clicking the link below, or open a particular page, as opposed to looking for loopholes and exploit software.''
Thus the challenge in 2008 is the people's awareness of the number of attacks carried out to steal their personal data, but should not preclude people from using social networking sites, especially since the benefits are multiple.

According to a report published by the company «comScore research» marketing online dating sites received more than 500 million visitors, note that the browser often uses a number of sites.
This phenomenon also affects all the countries where the dominating position as MySpace and Facebook 'site', as hundreds of local sites evolve at breakneck speed.
Includes sites «Mixe» 8 million in Japan and a member »Djaonaa» China's 6 million.Not to mention the site «Sai World» Cooperative in Korea, which brings together 18 million members, or 85 percent of Web surfers. And uses the U.S. out of four «MySpace».
Previous warnings .. The real breakthroughs
The security officials have warned that hackers are now targeting users of site My Space by exploiting some vulnerabilities in operating systems, by putting BB malicious steal passwords and pages of users and the installation of malicious software on victims' computers to steal personal information.
Has been developed viruses, in some pages of site MySpace is designed to exploit one of the vulnerabilities in the Windows system and Internet Explorer, which Microsoft has processed recently and begin the process of fraud screening of Flash is installed on two pages of web pages that lead users to the logon page a fake, and this page turn you to download several malicious viruses, get passwords and login names of visitors.
Once the hacker gets the users' data, they immediately updates the location data of the user on MySpace to add other malicious codes, and company estimates Scan Safe security that nearly one hundred thousand account for the My Space site has been taken over.
For their part, said security officials in MySpace that the largest sites, such as their location is usually close security holes in a very difficult, this is the large number of visitors puts great pressure on the infrastructure of the site, but this does not prevent the developers of the site of the work to fill those gaps and update their programs and storage systems to keep up in the thought of hackers who exploit the gaps

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Spread of social networks on the Internet and more patrons of all ages and tastes dramatically, which found the pirates an easy target to achieve their goals, so the advice of experts in the field of e-security users of social networking sites need to be careful when you receive messages that include invitations to join the other places.
He justified the Symantec experts to that in many cases, these calls are exploited by hackers to cover for the personal data of the user to use it in fraud carried out by the international network.
The company added that the sites specialized in sending e-mails advertising capture the victims of social networking users who receive their e-mail to a stream of these messages disturbing.
Experts advise attendees social networking sites such as 'Facebook' and 'Bebo' and 'Mai' Sepes that the user does not reveal a lot of his own secrets and personal data, especially the secrets of private life which should be cautious in its disclosure.
This increases the risk significantly in sites that may ask some of the requests exotic, such as advertisements figure on Page One of the problems of other sites of social identification and try to use some of that to change the data on the personal pages and the means to control the failure to use evidence of the person in passwords In other words, do not use children's names or birth dates in passwords.
Comes these warnings coincide with the other fired by experts to protect the Internet, from falling into the trap of what they called''organized crime''by disclosing information value and the exchange of the correct address and even credit card numbers, bank accounts, because these sites is porous and can be used to blackmail, especially when the The technology used to facilitate the targeting of gangs, some simple even children have been kidnapped, it is not the normal Internet user alone the likes of social networking sites, but the pirates or''network''criminals as well.

Experts predict that these sites now, including the famous sites''Face book''and''My space''and''Orkut'', will be one of the most important objectives of the pirates in 2008.
, And warns of security companies on the Internet that the intimate nature of these sites make users share information without thinking, exposing them to various types of attacks.
Falcom masses of data available on the pages users can make spam more accurate in targeting the funds, e-mail, or make phishing e-mail more convincing.
It is known that these sites known as an overwhelming response in 2007, where it holds a variety of information users for personal and professional lives and their activities.
Says David Porter of the company Detyka of security on the Internet that this new approach will make the pirates give up their campaigns against the operating systems like Windows and their attempts to exploit gaps in order to steal data.
He adds:''Many of the attacks are now attempts to persuade you'''by clicking the link below, or open a particular page, as opposed to looking for loopholes and exploit software.''
Thus the challenge in 2008 is the people's awareness of the number of attacks carried out to steal their personal data, but should not preclude people from using social networking sites, especially since the benefits are multiple.

According to a report published by the company «comScore research» marketing online dating sites received more than 500 million visitors, note that the browser often uses a number of sites.
This phenomenon also affects all the countries where the dominating position as MySpace and Facebook 'site', as hundreds of local sites evolve at breakneck speed.
Includes sites «Mixe» 8 million in Japan and a member »Djaonaa» China's 6 million.Not to mention the site «Sai World» Cooperative in Korea, which brings together 18 million members, or 85 percent of Web surfers. And uses the U.S. out of four «MySpace».
Previous warnings .. The real breakthroughs
The security officials have warned that hackers are now targeting users of site My Space by exploiting some vulnerabilities in operating systems, by putting BB malicious steal passwords and pages of users and the installation of malicious software on victims' computers to steal personal information.
Has been developed viruses, in some pages of site MySpace is designed to exploit one of the vulnerabilities in the Windows system and Internet Explorer, which Microsoft has processed recently and begin the process of fraud screening of Flash is installed on two pages of web pages that lead users to the logon page a fake, and this page turn you to download several malicious viruses, get passwords and login names of visitors.
Once the hacker gets the users' data, they immediately updates the location data of the user on MySpace to add other malicious codes, and company estimates Scan Safe security that nearly one hundred thousand account for the My Space site has been taken over.
For their part, said security officials in MySpace that the largest sites, such as their location is usually close security holes in a very difficult, this is the large number of visitors puts great pressure on the infrastructure of the site, but this does not prevent the developers of the site of the work to fill those gaps and update their programs and storage systems to keep up in the thought of hackers who exploit the gaps