Brief on the program Photoshop

About a simple program Photoshop PhotoShop

It has become the program PhotoShop integral part of the work tools graphic designers and processors images, and became known on the program PhotoShop that the place where the restoration of old photos and worn to return to their excellent, and is also the place where the bypass line between the illustrations and photographs freely.Before getting into this wonderful program must be identified on some of the concepts and technical terms used when working with digital images.
Vector image Vector and Raster bitmap
Vector is an image composed of lines and arcs are called vectors of specific sports, such as a program created in Adobe Illustrator, and Victor programs are the best in dealing with writing and drawings with thick lines that require clear, regardless of the size you take.The bitmap image is composed of a network of small squares called pixels (Pixels dots of light), when working with bitmaps you modify a set of Pixels instead of the items or embodied forms. The bitmaps are the best to work with images with continuous tone images such as photographs ...The basics of precision
Image resolution Image resolution: The image resolution refers to the density of Pixels in the image and measured the number of Pixels per inch PPI, and the more precision the number of Pixels in the image.The depth of pixels Pixel depth: is a measure of the number of bits of information stored for each pixel, determine the accuracy of information to decide the color for each pixel in the file and the depth of the larger pixels means that there are more colors and more accurate representation of color in the digital image.Accuracy chipset Monitor resolution: determines resolution telescope the number of points or Pixels in length and one output, measured in dots per inch or dpi Pixels per inch ppi, determines the accuracy of telescope measuring the displayed image.The degree of smoothness of the Shabak Screen frequency: also known as Shabak and underline indicate the number of cells of the gradient in every inch of the gradient mesh used to print grayscale images or color sorting, and measured the degree of smoothness of the Shabak number of lines per inch.Output accuracy Output resolution: refers to the number of points per inch that can be output device such as a printer (laser printers have a resolution output of between 300 to 600 dots per inch).The basics of colorThe human eye sees color, according to the wavelength of the light which it is connected, it appears the light that contains the full spectrum of pure white color Kdu In the event of loss of light eye to see the color black.Color features can be determined mathematically by using a multi-color systems and color systems, the most common are: RGB, CMYK system RGB: can represent a large proportion of the visible spectrum by combining three key elements of the light color at different rates, you know the basic elements of a color Red Green Blue (RGB) primary colors when the overlap of the three secondary colors are generated Sayan Almjnta yellow. system CMYK: RGB system is based on the source of light to create color, the CMYK system depends on the absorption of ink printed on paper when the light hits the white ink transparent part of the spectrum is absorbed and reflected color that is not absorbed into the eye. Must unite pure dyes Sayan, magenta, yellow absorbs all the colors to produce black and color for this reason called the hand.CMYK system is used in the printing process of the four colors.
Use the toolbox Toolbox
Allow you the tools in the toolbox to choose a graphic, edit, and show images, also contains the methods of control for the selection of foreground and background colors for the transition to a Quick Mask Quick Mask and to change the system to show the screen.Most of the tools affected by further definitions in the paintings Options Brushes and paint when or modify the image.Click with the pressure of the Alt key to choose the tools hidden in the same location.

Use the Selection tool click the Selection tool in the toolbox selection options are shown in Panel Options. Then select an option from the drop-down list in the Shape Panel Marquee options. draw option Rectangular determine the form of a rectangle, press the Shift key while dragging the mouse to draw a box is selected. paints option to select the Elliptical oval, press the Shift key while dragging the mouse to draw a circular selection. paint options Single Row and Single Column selection line widths, column (1) pixels.After you select your tool select a rectangle or oval, select an option from the Style drop-down list in the panel Marquee options. Normal option lets you drag your mouse to determine the shape of the selection. option Constrained Aspect Ratio specifies the aspect ratio to select, enter the value to the proportion of Pixels for the rollup. option Fixed Size: lets you specify the values ​​of width and height of the selection.
Lasso tool allows you to use this tool to make selection of drawing a line around the free peripheral region. To draw straight lines, press the Alt key and click to select the final points.Click the Lasso tool in the toolbox appears in the Lasso Options Panel Options and choose one of the options:Using the Magic Wand tool (Magic wand)Enables you to select which parts of the image based on the similarity of the color of adjacent pixels. Click the cue stick magic tool in the toolbox, and then enter the value of permittivity in the Panel Magic wand options can range from zero tolerance to 200,Add Choice: We can add to an existing selection, or choose more than one area in an image. By pressing the Shift key and select the area you want added to the selection.Subtraction of choice: We can ask to choose from an existing selection in an image by pressing the Alt key and select the area you want to put up for selection.Select the check list All: surrounding the selection frame is full. Deselect: To cancel the selection Reselect: to re-choose earlier. Inverse: Invert the selection. Father: fading the edges of the selection. Modify: Modify the selection and specifications contain: Border: Choose a frame around the choice of. Smooth: soften the edges of the box. Expand: expand the framework of choice. Contract: reducing the selection frame. Grow: working to expand the selection to include Pixels that fall within the tolerance specified. Similar: working to expand the selection to include Pixels part of the whole picture and not just those adjacent to the choice of which fall within the tolerance specified. Transform: working to control the dimensions of the selection of larger size and rotate the Rotate Scale Save Selection: storage box. Load Selection: Free choice. Color Range: choose a color within a specific selection or part of a complete picture, we can choose from a field of color or a predetermined sampling colors from the image. This feature allows you to choose the sub-selections of colors, from Color Range dialog boxChoice of using pre-defined colors1. Select Color Range from the list dialog box appears Select Color Range dialog box that contains the areas of Show, showing either the choice that you made or image you are working on.2. Select the option for the color of the drop-down list Select Note that the Out of gamut option works only on the images RGB.3. To show the selection in the image window select one of the following options from the drop-down list Selection Preview:None: does not show any show in the image window.Grayscale: selection appears as if he would appear in the gray channel.Black matte: shows the selection in color against a black background.White matte: shows the selection in color against a white background.Quick mask: shows the current selection using the mask selections fast.4. Edit colors using the sliding Fuzziness.

Using Panel OptionsHave every tool in the toolbox of their own set of options, change the name of this painting and appearance according to the selected tool.To access the Options panel from the Window menu select Show options or double-click in the toolbox.Options panel contains the general definitions of several tools such as graphic systems (Painting mode) and opacity (Opacity)To restore the default selections to choose Reset Tool from the drop-down list of the painting. Options If Reset all been selected from the drop-down list all the tools were returned to Thdidadtha default.To adjust the opacity, pressure or drag the slider Manifesting in the tool options panel where the opacity can range from 1 to 100 percent.
Choose a pattern or amendment feeYou can select any of Pixels will be affected by the drawing tool or amendment by choosing the option from the drop-down list of styles in the tool options panel: style Normal: color of each pixel converts to a color output. pattern Dissolve: color each pixel color output and color output is the transformation of random pixels to the base color or the color added by the transparency of the location of any pixel. pattern Behind: color of each pixel converts to a color output and this style works only in layers that contain transparent paint when it seems as if you're behind the paint transparent areas. pattern Multiply: look at the color information in each channel and increases the base color color additive resulting color is always a darker color to increase the color black to the original color produces black. Increase the color white to the original color does not affect the color. When staining a different color to black and white brush strokes, the successful painting tool produce dark colors. Style Screen: look at the color information in each channel and gives the opposite result to increase the color and the color is the color output is always reveal. Add color to the color black to keep the color unchanged. Add the white color gives the color white. pattern Overlay: The work of the Screen or Multiply the colors according to the base color, base color does not replace but mixed with the color added to reflect the light or the darker base color. pattern Softlight: The Petkhev or darken the colors depending on the color additive. If the additive color (light source) reveal 50% of the gray image shows reveal as if it had been applied by the Dodge, but if the added color is darker than 50% of the picture is gray and dim, as if he had been Totaimha tool Burn. Coloring black and white produces dark areas and revealing, and gives the colors white or black net. style Hard light: the work of the Screen or Multiply the colors according to the color additive. If the color is added reveal 50% of the gray image shows reveal as though it has been indexed pattern Screen this method good for adding lighting for the picture, but if the color additive is darker than 50% of gray appears is more darker, as if it had been Totaimha Multiply this pattern a good way to add shades to the image.Drawing in black or white results in pure black or white Savien. pattern Color Dodge: modify colors of each channel Petkhev the base color to reflect the blend color. pattern Color Burn: modify colors of each channel Bngmiq the base color to reflect the blend color. pattern Darken: The view of the color information in each channel and the selection of color Alokhv between the base color and added color and make it the result color.Pixels darker than the color of the added and replaced Alokhv Pixels are not replaced. pattern Lighten: the view of the color information in each channel and the selection of color between the darker base color and added color and make it the result color.Pixels of the color additive Alokhv replaced Pixels darker and not replaced. pattern of Difference: The view of the color information in each channel and throw color base color of either additive or additive is essential, depending on the brightness value of the largest owned by one of them. pattern Hue: Hue color pattern gives the light output (Luminance) and clarity of the color (Saturation) base color and the color (Hue) color added. pattern Saturation: Saturation color pattern gives the resulting color (Hue) and lighting (Luminance) base color and clarity of the color (Saturation) color added. pattern Color: gives the pattern of Color color output lighting (Luminance) base color and the color (Hue) and clarity of the color (Saturation) color additive, this maintains the levels of gray in the image and help color the image monochrome and give the shading of the image color. pattern Luminosity: Luminosity color pattern gives the resulting color (Hue) and clarity of the color (Saturation) base color, and lighting (Luminance) color added. This pattern is the reverse of the pattern of Color.Determine the rate of fading coloring (Fade): You can determine the rate of disappearance of the pen and brush strokes spray and brush painting brush strokes similar to the truth.
Use Spray Brush tool (Airbrush) apply the coloring gradually to an image, the smoother the edges of the strike of the facility with a brush coloringUse a tool paintbrushes (Paintbrush) Brush tool creates soft strokes coloring has no rough edges such as lines drawn by the pen tool and not a soft Kaldharbat that draws the spray brush tool.Using the rubber seal (Rubber stamp) tool lets you draw a rubber seal or a modified version of a picture or a color in the same image or another image.Using the Pen Tool (Pencil) tool creates pen lines free of rough edges and are primarily used in the photos Bitmap allows you the option to Auto Erase drawing background color over areas containing the foreground color.Use the Line tool (Line) Line tool creates straight lines on the image, options allow you to select the Line tool line width and the construction of lines with arrowheads.Using the yolk (Erase) tool to change the yolk Pixels in the image during the withdrawal. Pixels to change the background color if you work in the background and replaced by transparent if you are working on a layer.Use a tool Dodge / Burn tool allows lighting or dim the specific areas of the image, and Options tool Dodge / Burn from the drop-down list to choose a style: theMidlines: To change the colors of the East area only.Shadows: to change the dark parts of the image.Highlights: Pixels to modify only the reagents.Sponge Tool This tool allows changing the color purity of a zone, and Sponge tool options to choose from a drop-down list styles which are:Saturate: to increase the clarity of color.Desaturate: to reduce the clarity of color.Use a tool similar to Smudge Smudge tool to do pull your finger through the wet color, color pick up the tool to be struck in terms of pay and in the direction you drag the cursor.Tool Blur / Sharpen tool allows you to make the rough edges or blurry areas in an image, so as to reduce the details and enable you to increase the visibility of soft edges.The use of a tool path (Path) path is any line or curve drawn by using the pen tool (pen) pen tool allows you to draw accurately tracks with soft edges of the tracks are useful in identifying areas for codedPen tool: allows you to draw straight lines with soft edges or smooth curves smooth.Magnetic Pen tool: allows erosion to the nearest track gradient.Pen tool free: charting a course that allows freely.Add a focal pointDelete the fulcrumThe transfer of a focal point or directionTo change the point of soft-to-point angle

Use your Path, we can use the Paths panel to create and save and work with the tracks,Succinct way to color the inside track (Fills path with foreground color).Shortcut for coloring within the track (Stroke path).Convert path to selection (Loads path as a selection).Convert selection to a path (Makes work path from selection).Ochae new path (Creates new path).Delete the path (Deletes current path).The use of scripts (Type tool), we can program PhotoShop5.5 of the possibility of adding text vertically or horizontally to the image. Allowing us to edit the properties of many of that text.To create text in the image we use the following tools:Type tool and a tool Vertical Type Vertical texts that generate colored text is stored in the new text layer as we can edit the text when needed using that layer.Text tool veil Type Mask tool and veil vertical text Vertical Type Mask which allows us to create frames determine the shape of the text, which appears in the class of effective, enabling us to move, copy, or fill out or finishing this text, like any normal identification.To enter the text enough to choose one of the tools the text and clicking in the right place of the image shows the Type Tool dialog box allowing us to write the text and identify the required properties.Font: Choose the quality of the line.Size: Choose a text size, type and unit of measurement.Kerning: Control the distance between the two characters of the text.Leading: Specifies the distance between the lines.Tracking: Control the distance between the characters, a word of text.Baseline: Set the value of the baseline offset any distance towards the top or bottom of text characters and the basic rule for it.Alignment: any text formatting control the location of the text.Anti-aliasing: This option can generate text with polished edges and soft Palmle partial pixels of the edges of the text. The use of this option to show the text of the small size is hazy.Rotation: used to rotate the text characters vertical ertical Type.Color: control text color.Modify the properties of the text layer is possible to modify the properties of the text, however, that Nenker twice on the name of the text layer in the list of classes to run the Type Tool dialog box and make the required changes.Change the direction of the contents of the text layer: define the text layer from the list of classes and then a list of Layer Type and Horizontal to Vertical or horizontal direction of the vertical direction.Convert a text layer to a regular layer: define the text layer from the list of classes and then choose from the list of Layer Type command and then Render Layer.Use the Gradient Tool Gradient Tool This tool create a gradient between two colors, two different drag the mouse from the point of what is the starting point to another point is the end point and contains the following tools:Linear gradient: create a shadow gradient along a straight line.Radial gradient: gradient shades create a circular form.Angular gradient: create a gradient shadow the movement of a role faith counter-clockwise around the point of beginning.Gradient reflex: create a gradient using shades include symmetrical on both sides of the starting point.Include the particular form: create a shadow gradient from the starting point spread outward in the form given.Use the tool and paint pot Paint Bucket Tool This tool fills adjacent Pixels with the same color, color is chosen, and of course the packaging must be appointed by the foreground color.Eyedropper use the eyedropper tool eyedropper tool allows you to take a sample color from an area of ​​an image in order to determine the color of the front or back again, we can take the sample from the current image or another image.To measure the change sample eyedropper tool Nenker twice to display the list of options:Point Sample: to read the value of one pixel only when clicked.3 by 3 Average or 5 by 5 Average: to read the average value of the selected number of pixels (3x3 or 5x5) in the region that is clicked.Using the zoom in and zoom out Zoom After selecting the Zoom tool Nenker on the area you want to enlarge the picture to enlarge are measuring the percentage equal to the following scale now and in the case of access to the maximum zoom ratio seems to center the tool blank.But if you choose the Zoom tool in addition to the Alt key to turn the Zoom tool to zoom out.Use the Hand tool Hand tool uses the hand to pass the image up, down, left and right of the screen that is similar to the work of its slider bar Scrolling Bars.Selecting Color Choose a color using Adobe PhotoShop foreground color to paint choices and color coded as used by primary crayon gradual, and the background color is used when the color and erase in the background color is also usedFinal gradient coloring.

You can choose a color front and rear multi several ways:Use the eyedropper tool Eyedropper to take a sample of the color image.Panel Picker used to mix colors in any system or choose from a spectrum of colors.Using Swatches to choose from a pre-defined colors.Panel Scratches use to mix and choose colors in particular.
Use your brushes BrushesShow brushes that you use for editing tools and drawing in the panel Brushes and be brushes several are available in many sizes, and you can choose to brush a different default for each tool, also contain Panel Brushes commands to create and Mohi brushes, select the brush options and save and load groups of brushes.To choose the form of the brush and, after clicking on the tool you want to use and then choose from the menu bar Window  Show BrushesSelect a brush to create the New brush from the drop-down list of the Brushes panel shows the dialog box New brush, which contains the following options:Diameter: controlled measurement of the brush.Hardness: a measure of the center of the steel brush.Spacing: determines the distance between brush marks in the Ctabh.Angle: angle determines the main axis of the brush is circular on the horizontal axis.Roundness: indicates whether the brush circular or oval or a straight line.The establishment of special brushes can use part of an image to create a brush, use any selection tool to select part of the picture you want to use Kvrchah private, and then choose Define Brush from the drop-down list of the Brushes panel appears on the brush in the palette.Select the Brush Options from the drop-down list of the Brushes panel to adjust the distance or the option to select an option Anti - aliased edges to make a soft brush.To delete a brush: Click the brush that you want to delete in the Brushes panel and choose Delete Brush from the drop-down list Brushes.

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About a simple program Photoshop PhotoShop

It has become the program PhotoShop integral part of the work tools graphic designers and processors images, and became known on the program PhotoShop that the place where the restoration of old photos and worn to return to their excellent, and is also the place where the bypass line between the illustrations and photographs freely.Before getting into this wonderful program must be identified on some of the concepts and technical terms used when working with digital images.
Vector image Vector and Raster bitmap
Vector is an image composed of lines and arcs are called vectors of specific sports, such as a program created in Adobe Illustrator, and Victor programs are the best in dealing with writing and drawings with thick lines that require clear, regardless of the size you take.The bitmap image is composed of a network of small squares called pixels (Pixels dots of light), when working with bitmaps you modify a set of Pixels instead of the items or embodied forms. The bitmaps are the best to work with images with continuous tone images such as photographs ...The basics of precision
Image resolution Image resolution: The image resolution refers to the density of Pixels in the image and measured the number of Pixels per inch PPI, and the more precision the number of Pixels in the image.The depth of pixels Pixel depth: is a measure of the number of bits of information stored for each pixel, determine the accuracy of information to decide the color for each pixel in the file and the depth of the larger pixels means that there are more colors and more accurate representation of color in the digital image.Accuracy chipset Monitor resolution: determines resolution telescope the number of points or Pixels in length and one output, measured in dots per inch or dpi Pixels per inch ppi, determines the accuracy of telescope measuring the displayed image.The degree of smoothness of the Shabak Screen frequency: also known as Shabak and underline indicate the number of cells of the gradient in every inch of the gradient mesh used to print grayscale images or color sorting, and measured the degree of smoothness of the Shabak number of lines per inch.Output accuracy Output resolution: refers to the number of points per inch that can be output device such as a printer (laser printers have a resolution output of between 300 to 600 dots per inch).The basics of colorThe human eye sees color, according to the wavelength of the light which it is connected, it appears the light that contains the full spectrum of pure white color Kdu In the event of loss of light eye to see the color black.Color features can be determined mathematically by using a multi-color systems and color systems, the most common are: RGB, CMYK system RGB: can represent a large proportion of the visible spectrum by combining three key elements of the light color at different rates, you know the basic elements of a color Red Green Blue (RGB) primary colors when the overlap of the three secondary colors are generated Sayan Almjnta yellow. system CMYK: RGB system is based on the source of light to create color, the CMYK system depends on the absorption of ink printed on paper when the light hits the white ink transparent part of the spectrum is absorbed and reflected color that is not absorbed into the eye. Must unite pure dyes Sayan, magenta, yellow absorbs all the colors to produce black and color for this reason called the hand.CMYK system is used in the printing process of the four colors.
Use the toolbox Toolbox
Allow you the tools in the toolbox to choose a graphic, edit, and show images, also contains the methods of control for the selection of foreground and background colors for the transition to a Quick Mask Quick Mask and to change the system to show the screen.Most of the tools affected by further definitions in the paintings Options Brushes and paint when or modify the image.Click with the pressure of the Alt key to choose the tools hidden in the same location.

Use the Selection tool click the Selection tool in the toolbox selection options are shown in Panel Options. Then select an option from the drop-down list in the Shape Panel Marquee options. draw option Rectangular determine the form of a rectangle, press the Shift key while dragging the mouse to draw a box is selected. paints option to select the Elliptical oval, press the Shift key while dragging the mouse to draw a circular selection. paint options Single Row and Single Column selection line widths, column (1) pixels.After you select your tool select a rectangle or oval, select an option from the Style drop-down list in the panel Marquee options. Normal option lets you drag your mouse to determine the shape of the selection. option Constrained Aspect Ratio specifies the aspect ratio to select, enter the value to the proportion of Pixels for the rollup. option Fixed Size: lets you specify the values ​​of width and height of the selection.
Lasso tool allows you to use this tool to make selection of drawing a line around the free peripheral region. To draw straight lines, press the Alt key and click to select the final points.Click the Lasso tool in the toolbox appears in the Lasso Options Panel Options and choose one of the options:Using the Magic Wand tool (Magic wand)Enables you to select which parts of the image based on the similarity of the color of adjacent pixels. Click the cue stick magic tool in the toolbox, and then enter the value of permittivity in the Panel Magic wand options can range from zero tolerance to 200,Add Choice: We can add to an existing selection, or choose more than one area in an image. By pressing the Shift key and select the area you want added to the selection.Subtraction of choice: We can ask to choose from an existing selection in an image by pressing the Alt key and select the area you want to put up for selection.Select the check list All: surrounding the selection frame is full. Deselect: To cancel the selection Reselect: to re-choose earlier. Inverse: Invert the selection. Father: fading the edges of the selection. Modify: Modify the selection and specifications contain: Border: Choose a frame around the choice of. Smooth: soften the edges of the box. Expand: expand the framework of choice. Contract: reducing the selection frame. Grow: working to expand the selection to include Pixels that fall within the tolerance specified. Similar: working to expand the selection to include Pixels part of the whole picture and not just those adjacent to the choice of which fall within the tolerance specified. Transform: working to control the dimensions of the selection of larger size and rotate the Rotate Scale Save Selection: storage box. Load Selection: Free choice. Color Range: choose a color within a specific selection or part of a complete picture, we can choose from a field of color or a predetermined sampling colors from the image. This feature allows you to choose the sub-selections of colors, from Color Range dialog boxChoice of using pre-defined colors1. Select Color Range from the list dialog box appears Select Color Range dialog box that contains the areas of Show, showing either the choice that you made or image you are working on.2. Select the option for the color of the drop-down list Select Note that the Out of gamut option works only on the images RGB.3. To show the selection in the image window select one of the following options from the drop-down list Selection Preview:None: does not show any show in the image window.Grayscale: selection appears as if he would appear in the gray channel.Black matte: shows the selection in color against a black background.White matte: shows the selection in color against a white background.Quick mask: shows the current selection using the mask selections fast.4. Edit colors using the sliding Fuzziness.

Using Panel OptionsHave every tool in the toolbox of their own set of options, change the name of this painting and appearance according to the selected tool.To access the Options panel from the Window menu select Show options or double-click in the toolbox.Options panel contains the general definitions of several tools such as graphic systems (Painting mode) and opacity (Opacity)To restore the default selections to choose Reset Tool from the drop-down list of the painting. Options If Reset all been selected from the drop-down list all the tools were returned to Thdidadtha default.To adjust the opacity, pressure or drag the slider Manifesting in the tool options panel where the opacity can range from 1 to 100 percent.
Choose a pattern or amendment feeYou can select any of Pixels will be affected by the drawing tool or amendment by choosing the option from the drop-down list of styles in the tool options panel: style Normal: color of each pixel converts to a color output. pattern Dissolve: color each pixel color output and color output is the transformation of random pixels to the base color or the color added by the transparency of the location of any pixel. pattern Behind: color of each pixel converts to a color output and this style works only in layers that contain transparent paint when it seems as if you're behind the paint transparent areas. pattern Multiply: look at the color information in each channel and increases the base color color additive resulting color is always a darker color to increase the color black to the original color produces black. Increase the color white to the original color does not affect the color. When staining a different color to black and white brush strokes, the successful painting tool produce dark colors. Style Screen: look at the color information in each channel and gives the opposite result to increase the color and the color is the color output is always reveal. Add color to the color black to keep the color unchanged. Add the white color gives the color white. pattern Overlay: The work of the Screen or Multiply the colors according to the base color, base color does not replace but mixed with the color added to reflect the light or the darker base color. pattern Softlight: The Petkhev or darken the colors depending on the color additive. If the additive color (light source) reveal 50% of the gray image shows reveal as if it had been applied by the Dodge, but if the added color is darker than 50% of the picture is gray and dim, as if he had been Totaimha tool Burn. Coloring black and white produces dark areas and revealing, and gives the colors white or black net. style Hard light: the work of the Screen or Multiply the colors according to the color additive. If the color is added reveal 50% of the gray image shows reveal as though it has been indexed pattern Screen this method good for adding lighting for the picture, but if the color additive is darker than 50% of gray appears is more darker, as if it had been Totaimha Multiply this pattern a good way to add shades to the image.Drawing in black or white results in pure black or white Savien. pattern Color Dodge: modify colors of each channel Petkhev the base color to reflect the blend color. pattern Color Burn: modify colors of each channel Bngmiq the base color to reflect the blend color. pattern Darken: The view of the color information in each channel and the selection of color Alokhv between the base color and added color and make it the result color.Pixels darker than the color of the added and replaced Alokhv Pixels are not replaced. pattern Lighten: the view of the color information in each channel and the selection of color between the darker base color and added color and make it the result color.Pixels of the color additive Alokhv replaced Pixels darker and not replaced. pattern of Difference: The view of the color information in each channel and throw color base color of either additive or additive is essential, depending on the brightness value of the largest owned by one of them. pattern Hue: Hue color pattern gives the light output (Luminance) and clarity of the color (Saturation) base color and the color (Hue) color added. pattern Saturation: Saturation color pattern gives the resulting color (Hue) and lighting (Luminance) base color and clarity of the color (Saturation) color added. pattern Color: gives the pattern of Color color output lighting (Luminance) base color and the color (Hue) and clarity of the color (Saturation) color additive, this maintains the levels of gray in the image and help color the image monochrome and give the shading of the image color. pattern Luminosity: Luminosity color pattern gives the resulting color (Hue) and clarity of the color (Saturation) base color, and lighting (Luminance) color added. This pattern is the reverse of the pattern of Color.Determine the rate of fading coloring (Fade): You can determine the rate of disappearance of the pen and brush strokes spray and brush painting brush strokes similar to the truth.
Use Spray Brush tool (Airbrush) apply the coloring gradually to an image, the smoother the edges of the strike of the facility with a brush coloringUse a tool paintbrushes (Paintbrush) Brush tool creates soft strokes coloring has no rough edges such as lines drawn by the pen tool and not a soft Kaldharbat that draws the spray brush tool.Using the rubber seal (Rubber stamp) tool lets you draw a rubber seal or a modified version of a picture or a color in the same image or another image.Using the Pen Tool (Pencil) tool creates pen lines free of rough edges and are primarily used in the photos Bitmap allows you the option to Auto Erase drawing background color over areas containing the foreground color.Use the Line tool (Line) Line tool creates straight lines on the image, options allow you to select the Line tool line width and the construction of lines with arrowheads.Using the yolk (Erase) tool to change the yolk Pixels in the image during the withdrawal. Pixels to change the background color if you work in the background and replaced by transparent if you are working on a layer.Use a tool Dodge / Burn tool allows lighting or dim the specific areas of the image, and Options tool Dodge / Burn from the drop-down list to choose a style: theMidlines: To change the colors of the East area only.Shadows: to change the dark parts of the image.Highlights: Pixels to modify only the reagents.Sponge Tool This tool allows changing the color purity of a zone, and Sponge tool options to choose from a drop-down list styles which are:Saturate: to increase the clarity of color.Desaturate: to reduce the clarity of color.Use a tool similar to Smudge Smudge tool to do pull your finger through the wet color, color pick up the tool to be struck in terms of pay and in the direction you drag the cursor.Tool Blur / Sharpen tool allows you to make the rough edges or blurry areas in an image, so as to reduce the details and enable you to increase the visibility of soft edges.The use of a tool path (Path) path is any line or curve drawn by using the pen tool (pen) pen tool allows you to draw accurately tracks with soft edges of the tracks are useful in identifying areas for codedPen tool: allows you to draw straight lines with soft edges or smooth curves smooth.Magnetic Pen tool: allows erosion to the nearest track gradient.Pen tool free: charting a course that allows freely.Add a focal pointDelete the fulcrumThe transfer of a focal point or directionTo change the point of soft-to-point angle

Use your Path, we can use the Paths panel to create and save and work with the tracks,Succinct way to color the inside track (Fills path with foreground color).Shortcut for coloring within the track (Stroke path).Convert path to selection (Loads path as a selection).Convert selection to a path (Makes work path from selection).Ochae new path (Creates new path).Delete the path (Deletes current path).The use of scripts (Type tool), we can program PhotoShop5.5 of the possibility of adding text vertically or horizontally to the image. Allowing us to edit the properties of many of that text.To create text in the image we use the following tools:Type tool and a tool Vertical Type Vertical texts that generate colored text is stored in the new text layer as we can edit the text when needed using that layer.Text tool veil Type Mask tool and veil vertical text Vertical Type Mask which allows us to create frames determine the shape of the text, which appears in the class of effective, enabling us to move, copy, or fill out or finishing this text, like any normal identification.To enter the text enough to choose one of the tools the text and clicking in the right place of the image shows the Type Tool dialog box allowing us to write the text and identify the required properties.Font: Choose the quality of the line.Size: Choose a text size, type and unit of measurement.Kerning: Control the distance between the two characters of the text.Leading: Specifies the distance between the lines.Tracking: Control the distance between the characters, a word of text.Baseline: Set the value of the baseline offset any distance towards the top or bottom of text characters and the basic rule for it.Alignment: any text formatting control the location of the text.Anti-aliasing: This option can generate text with polished edges and soft Palmle partial pixels of the edges of the text. The use of this option to show the text of the small size is hazy.Rotation: used to rotate the text characters vertical ertical Type.Color: control text color.Modify the properties of the text layer is possible to modify the properties of the text, however, that Nenker twice on the name of the text layer in the list of classes to run the Type Tool dialog box and make the required changes.Change the direction of the contents of the text layer: define the text layer from the list of classes and then a list of Layer Type and Horizontal to Vertical or horizontal direction of the vertical direction.Convert a text layer to a regular layer: define the text layer from the list of classes and then choose from the list of Layer Type command and then Render Layer.Use the Gradient Tool Gradient Tool This tool create a gradient between two colors, two different drag the mouse from the point of what is the starting point to another point is the end point and contains the following tools:Linear gradient: create a shadow gradient along a straight line.Radial gradient: gradient shades create a circular form.Angular gradient: create a gradient shadow the movement of a role faith counter-clockwise around the point of beginning.Gradient reflex: create a gradient using shades include symmetrical on both sides of the starting point.Include the particular form: create a shadow gradient from the starting point spread outward in the form given.Use the tool and paint pot Paint Bucket Tool This tool fills adjacent Pixels with the same color, color is chosen, and of course the packaging must be appointed by the foreground color.Eyedropper use the eyedropper tool eyedropper tool allows you to take a sample color from an area of ​​an image in order to determine the color of the front or back again, we can take the sample from the current image or another image.To measure the change sample eyedropper tool Nenker twice to display the list of options:Point Sample: to read the value of one pixel only when clicked.3 by 3 Average or 5 by 5 Average: to read the average value of the selected number of pixels (3x3 or 5x5) in the region that is clicked.Using the zoom in and zoom out Zoom After selecting the Zoom tool Nenker on the area you want to enlarge the picture to enlarge are measuring the percentage equal to the following scale now and in the case of access to the maximum zoom ratio seems to center the tool blank.But if you choose the Zoom tool in addition to the Alt key to turn the Zoom tool to zoom out.Use the Hand tool Hand tool uses the hand to pass the image up, down, left and right of the screen that is similar to the work of its slider bar Scrolling Bars.Selecting Color Choose a color using Adobe PhotoShop foreground color to paint choices and color coded as used by primary crayon gradual, and the background color is used when the color and erase in the background color is also usedFinal gradient coloring.

You can choose a color front and rear multi several ways:Use the eyedropper tool Eyedropper to take a sample of the color image.Panel Picker used to mix colors in any system or choose from a spectrum of colors.Using Swatches to choose from a pre-defined colors.Panel Scratches use to mix and choose colors in particular.
Use your brushes BrushesShow brushes that you use for editing tools and drawing in the panel Brushes and be brushes several are available in many sizes, and you can choose to brush a different default for each tool, also contain Panel Brushes commands to create and Mohi brushes, select the brush options and save and load groups of brushes.To choose the form of the brush and, after clicking on the tool you want to use and then choose from the menu bar Window  Show BrushesSelect a brush to create the New brush from the drop-down list of the Brushes panel shows the dialog box New brush, which contains the following options:Diameter: controlled measurement of the brush.Hardness: a measure of the center of the steel brush.Spacing: determines the distance between brush marks in the Ctabh.Angle: angle determines the main axis of the brush is circular on the horizontal axis.Roundness: indicates whether the brush circular or oval or a straight line.The establishment of special brushes can use part of an image to create a brush, use any selection tool to select part of the picture you want to use Kvrchah private, and then choose Define Brush from the drop-down list of the Brushes panel appears on the brush in the palette.Select the Brush Options from the drop-down list of the Brushes panel to adjust the distance or the option to select an option Anti - aliased edges to make a soft brush.To delete a brush: Click the brush that you want to delete in the Brushes panel and choose Delete Brush from the drop-down list Brushes.