The Story of Google

Book Title: "The Story of Google" The Google Story
Author: David Weiss and Mark Malesad David Vise and Mark Malsssd
Publisher: Dell Publishing Dell Publisher
Published: November 2005. Number of pages: 366.
Read: Mohamed Al Kafouri - Washington Report
The book deals with the success story of the largest project on the Internet of our time and spins us in the orbit of the ancient composition of Google Foundation, which has become more value for their shares than those available to both General Motors and Disney combined in less than six years. And exposed to a success story often repeated in America and adopted the faith, even if the idea of ​​what was crazy with perseverance and effort in addition to rational thinking and opportunities and engage in hard work to implement them.
Not absent from the writer a sense of humor despite the eating of the finest details of technical and economic in the way of composition of the institution and the ways in which you acquired the necessary funding to grow and thrive, it is reviewing how to address the workers in the Google food in the dining room is overseen by chef rock band's famous "The Gratfol Dade "and move to the company every morning on the ski boots and Alskouters.
And deals with writers writers David Weiss and Mark Malesad of how the fact that Larry Page Larry Page and Sergey Brin Sergey Btin students doctorate at Stanford University, Stanford University institution and use the best techniques of computer science and best, both with respect to devices, equipment or software to the latest revolution in the way of storing and arranging information to reach them in less time from any place around the world by creating a special Algoresm fired by the arrangement of web pages.
Non-recognition of the impossible
From the viewpoint of the authors, the inventions and projects that have succeeded and caused a tremendous technology revolution over the last decade relied on the cooperation between two individuals not on the world, or one person, according as it was in the past.
They point out that last year witnessed the invention of Edison's electric lamp and Bill Grham phone either present alone has seen cooperation, Bill Gates and Paul Allen to form Maekerosowicostep Jobs and Steve Wozniak for the Apple Macintosh Generation Foundation.
Similarly, the authors tell how he met Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford University during their intention to obtain a doctorate in computer science and their agreement to transfer the project to obtain a PhD project to benefit the world at large.
Confirms the authors in the introduction, the Google site penetration into the fabric of everyday life for millions of people until it became impossible to do without it, speed with which they are responding to the millions of search queries are every second of the different places around the world in Nzerehma is a form of magic.
Alftan and that the use of millions of Google's more than a hundred languages ​​around the world have led many to consider that the Internet is in fact Google. In addition, the use of the word rather than the Google word search on the internet in many everyday situations for millions of people around the world is the biggest proof of the organization's success in changing the way the world thinks.
The book deals with how the industry as well as the search machine Google workers and how to triumph over its competitors who were willing to make every effort and money to gain access to the same thing as well as the future of the site and the services it offers.
Whence the President, John Stanford University and a member of the Board of Directors of Google in the book of the superiority and excellence in the way the company's combination of software specifically designed to follow a unique and exciting way to organize and retrieve information quickly and the machines and devices that you are running. He points out that machines and computers in the organization are assembled in secret places within the company in Silicon Valley, California, and it is specifically designed to exploit the latest technologies in the system, great access to the best performance for the retrieval of information easily, as well as speed.
He adds that that system is working great on the use of programs that break down any request for a search on the company to a smaller group of applications very quickly compared to the information that is stored and organized in earlier.
Whence explains that IBM IBM solved the dilemma of data processing devices Almén Frame Main Frame for several decades, also contributed to Intel and Microsoft have developed a revolution in personal computers. Today, he lost and put online that is basically a project for the U.S. Department of Defense Pentagon, a number of companies such as ebay, Yahoo and Amazon in the foreground.
In the beginning how he deals with writers Sergei Brin and Larry Page to convert the graduation project for the PhD project to generate billions of dollars in stressing the necessity of adopting the ideas and the difficult search for solutions and alternative variable based on the principle of the attempt in spite of the impossibility of the application.
It reviews the emergence of both Sergey Brin and Larry Page and participate Monday in the same interests and ambitions as well as skills that complement each other out. Vsergee the one hand, the loud sound and spirit always wants to be in the spotlight and the focus of attention of others, and the Unlike Larry quiet and pensive does not like to talk.
The family also played a role
The two share being the second generation of computer users, the arrogance, and grew up two Istkhaddmana whether in primary or junior high, and parents also used the computer in the house and the house to solve a difficult mathematical problems for the environment must be born genius in computer science.
The two attended the Montessori school, a teacher working on the synthesis and development of natural creativity in children at a young age and physical and mental skills in adolescence.
Larry's father, Carl Victor Page was one of the first who received a bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of Michigan in 1960, his mother Gloria Paige consultant databases and computer science.
Larry received his university education at the University of Michigan Baan Harper in computer engineering and business administration courses for a bachelor's degree in 1995, and served as Jum'a computer engineering students in the state of Michigan.
Larry and benefited from a number of lessons provided by the configuration program of the university leaders who aim to provide students with the skills necessary to Subhoa leaders of the community.
Also benefited during his studies at the University of Michigan and his fellow teachers who did not spare one of them was never the advice and experience. Sergei's parents were professionals in science and technology, where his mother worked as a researcher Godrd Research Center for Research on Aviation and Space Agency Space Administration NASA.
And worked in a program to simulate natural conditions that affect space travel Kaldguet air and heat. The father is Michael Byrne, professor of mathematics at the University of Maryland, which has published a number of scientific papers on complex mathematical problem-solving, which has contributions in the field of engineering systems and abstract movement.
Do not miss the flight by reference to the family of Bern in 1970 from Russia to escape the wave of anti-Semitism and the role of the father in the love of excellence in science and Sergei work and diligence.
Deals with the authors in the third chapter of the book life of Sergei and Larry at Stanford University and distinguished them and Tlazmanma addition to their love of controversy in everything from mathematics to philosophy.
He points out that a new transport system for people and goods was the most raised issues that preoccupied and Larry Page. And the book goes on to review how the two form a team to work on the analysis and download links from the Web is the network that contains a huge amount of information that luring the Monday sports skills and software.
Content of the new idea
The book refers to the idea of ​​Larry Page, which may be considered by many as a crazy idea to download complete web pages on his computer for analysis and ranking. As Burns Lee invented the Web in 1989, to reach a two way and the method can be arranged by those pages on the basis of their system, called the order of pages on the web.
The beginning was the establishment of a primitive machine name search Bacrap formed the nucleus of solving the problem of search on the Internet, was developed at a later time with the university's master and mentor, Rajeev Motwani, 30, who adopted the saddle since he came to Stanford in 1993.
The three managed to develop a model for machine-based research on the relationship between the sites, not on the number of times and received a search word and its derivatives, according to the. The research problem was the lack of interest in the Internet search sites Kiaho and Alta Vista to follow the style brings the best result of research and engage in the sale of the largest number of ads to achieve the greatest profit for the trust which eons of the Internet surfers. And fired on the form name to use Google and have allowed students to Stanford.
Because of the lack of funding for the two used a network of old computers and put them in a room for Larry Page in the dorms at the university. And tried to sell the project to Alta Vista or Yahoo or Excite were busy selling the largest number of ads on the network and raise money quickly.
Yahoo rejected the project because it brings the search result, which was quickly avoided the Foundation on its website, which aims to keep the web browser as long as possible on the site, which could lose money. However, one of the founders David Filo Yahoo advised the establishment of a private company with the nature of the machine fit their search.
After several months, in August of 1998, Sergey and Larry met with Andy Bacthleym a computer genius and one of the investors who supported the Cisco Foundation to communication devices, networks and investors in Sun Microsystems.
After deliberations Bacthleym convinced of the importance of the project and give them a check for one hundred thousand dollars on behalf of the Foundation on Google although no announcement of the institution after. The two celebrated this success hamburger meal from Burger King and after the effort they were able to collect nearly a million dollars from family and friends.

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Book Title: "The Story of Google" The Google Story
Author: David Weiss and Mark Malesad David Vise and Mark Malsssd
Publisher: Dell Publishing Dell Publisher
Published: November 2005. Number of pages: 366.
Read: Mohamed Al Kafouri - Washington Report
The book deals with the success story of the largest project on the Internet of our time and spins us in the orbit of the ancient composition of Google Foundation, which has become more value for their shares than those available to both General Motors and Disney combined in less than six years. And exposed to a success story often repeated in America and adopted the faith, even if the idea of ​​what was crazy with perseverance and effort in addition to rational thinking and opportunities and engage in hard work to implement them.
Not absent from the writer a sense of humor despite the eating of the finest details of technical and economic in the way of composition of the institution and the ways in which you acquired the necessary funding to grow and thrive, it is reviewing how to address the workers in the Google food in the dining room is overseen by chef rock band's famous "The Gratfol Dade "and move to the company every morning on the ski boots and Alskouters.
And deals with writers writers David Weiss and Mark Malesad of how the fact that Larry Page Larry Page and Sergey Brin Sergey Btin students doctorate at Stanford University, Stanford University institution and use the best techniques of computer science and best, both with respect to devices, equipment or software to the latest revolution in the way of storing and arranging information to reach them in less time from any place around the world by creating a special Algoresm fired by the arrangement of web pages.
Non-recognition of the impossible
From the viewpoint of the authors, the inventions and projects that have succeeded and caused a tremendous technology revolution over the last decade relied on the cooperation between two individuals not on the world, or one person, according as it was in the past.
They point out that last year witnessed the invention of Edison's electric lamp and Bill Grham phone either present alone has seen cooperation, Bill Gates and Paul Allen to form Maekerosowicostep Jobs and Steve Wozniak for the Apple Macintosh Generation Foundation.
Similarly, the authors tell how he met Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford University during their intention to obtain a doctorate in computer science and their agreement to transfer the project to obtain a PhD project to benefit the world at large.
Confirms the authors in the introduction, the Google site penetration into the fabric of everyday life for millions of people until it became impossible to do without it, speed with which they are responding to the millions of search queries are every second of the different places around the world in Nzerehma is a form of magic.
Alftan and that the use of millions of Google's more than a hundred languages ​​around the world have led many to consider that the Internet is in fact Google. In addition, the use of the word rather than the Google word search on the internet in many everyday situations for millions of people around the world is the biggest proof of the organization's success in changing the way the world thinks.
The book deals with how the industry as well as the search machine Google workers and how to triumph over its competitors who were willing to make every effort and money to gain access to the same thing as well as the future of the site and the services it offers.
Whence the President, John Stanford University and a member of the Board of Directors of Google in the book of the superiority and excellence in the way the company's combination of software specifically designed to follow a unique and exciting way to organize and retrieve information quickly and the machines and devices that you are running. He points out that machines and computers in the organization are assembled in secret places within the company in Silicon Valley, California, and it is specifically designed to exploit the latest technologies in the system, great access to the best performance for the retrieval of information easily, as well as speed.
He adds that that system is working great on the use of programs that break down any request for a search on the company to a smaller group of applications very quickly compared to the information that is stored and organized in earlier.
Whence explains that IBM IBM solved the dilemma of data processing devices Almén Frame Main Frame for several decades, also contributed to Intel and Microsoft have developed a revolution in personal computers. Today, he lost and put online that is basically a project for the U.S. Department of Defense Pentagon, a number of companies such as ebay, Yahoo and Amazon in the foreground.
In the beginning how he deals with writers Sergei Brin and Larry Page to convert the graduation project for the PhD project to generate billions of dollars in stressing the necessity of adopting the ideas and the difficult search for solutions and alternative variable based on the principle of the attempt in spite of the impossibility of the application.
It reviews the emergence of both Sergey Brin and Larry Page and participate Monday in the same interests and ambitions as well as skills that complement each other out. Vsergee the one hand, the loud sound and spirit always wants to be in the spotlight and the focus of attention of others, and the Unlike Larry quiet and pensive does not like to talk.
The family also played a role
The two share being the second generation of computer users, the arrogance, and grew up two Istkhaddmana whether in primary or junior high, and parents also used the computer in the house and the house to solve a difficult mathematical problems for the environment must be born genius in computer science.
The two attended the Montessori school, a teacher working on the synthesis and development of natural creativity in children at a young age and physical and mental skills in adolescence.
Larry's father, Carl Victor Page was one of the first who received a bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of Michigan in 1960, his mother Gloria Paige consultant databases and computer science.
Larry received his university education at the University of Michigan Baan Harper in computer engineering and business administration courses for a bachelor's degree in 1995, and served as Jum'a computer engineering students in the state of Michigan.
Larry and benefited from a number of lessons provided by the configuration program of the university leaders who aim to provide students with the skills necessary to Subhoa leaders of the community.
Also benefited during his studies at the University of Michigan and his fellow teachers who did not spare one of them was never the advice and experience. Sergei's parents were professionals in science and technology, where his mother worked as a researcher Godrd Research Center for Research on Aviation and Space Agency Space Administration NASA.
And worked in a program to simulate natural conditions that affect space travel Kaldguet air and heat. The father is Michael Byrne, professor of mathematics at the University of Maryland, which has published a number of scientific papers on complex mathematical problem-solving, which has contributions in the field of engineering systems and abstract movement.
Do not miss the flight by reference to the family of Bern in 1970 from Russia to escape the wave of anti-Semitism and the role of the father in the love of excellence in science and Sergei work and diligence.
Deals with the authors in the third chapter of the book life of Sergei and Larry at Stanford University and distinguished them and Tlazmanma addition to their love of controversy in everything from mathematics to philosophy.
He points out that a new transport system for people and goods was the most raised issues that preoccupied and Larry Page. And the book goes on to review how the two form a team to work on the analysis and download links from the Web is the network that contains a huge amount of information that luring the Monday sports skills and software.
Content of the new idea
The book refers to the idea of ​​Larry Page, which may be considered by many as a crazy idea to download complete web pages on his computer for analysis and ranking. As Burns Lee invented the Web in 1989, to reach a two way and the method can be arranged by those pages on the basis of their system, called the order of pages on the web.
The beginning was the establishment of a primitive machine name search Bacrap formed the nucleus of solving the problem of search on the Internet, was developed at a later time with the university's master and mentor, Rajeev Motwani, 30, who adopted the saddle since he came to Stanford in 1993.
The three managed to develop a model for machine-based research on the relationship between the sites, not on the number of times and received a search word and its derivatives, according to the. The research problem was the lack of interest in the Internet search sites Kiaho and Alta Vista to follow the style brings the best result of research and engage in the sale of the largest number of ads to achieve the greatest profit for the trust which eons of the Internet surfers. And fired on the form name to use Google and have allowed students to Stanford.
Because of the lack of funding for the two used a network of old computers and put them in a room for Larry Page in the dorms at the university. And tried to sell the project to Alta Vista or Yahoo or Excite were busy selling the largest number of ads on the network and raise money quickly.
Yahoo rejected the project because it brings the search result, which was quickly avoided the Foundation on its website, which aims to keep the web browser as long as possible on the site, which could lose money. However, one of the founders David Filo Yahoo advised the establishment of a private company with the nature of the machine fit their search.
After several months, in August of 1998, Sergey and Larry met with Andy Bacthleym a computer genius and one of the investors who supported the Cisco Foundation to communication devices, networks and investors in Sun Microsystems.
After deliberations Bacthleym convinced of the importance of the project and give them a check for one hundred thousand dollars on behalf of the Foundation on Google although no announcement of the institution after. The two celebrated this success hamburger meal from Burger King and after the effort they were able to collect nearly a million dollars from family and friends.