History of Pharaonic Egypt

Old Kingdom (2980 - 2475 BC · m):
Egyptian civilization evolved and crystallized the principles of the central government, and the era saw the state comprehensive renaissance in all aspects of life, when he and the Egyptians to the hieroglyphic writing of any (engraving Bible), and is interested in the Kings to secure the country's borders and the active trade movement between Egypt and Sudan • The Egypt received pm glorious in the history of known as the era of the builders of the pyramids, and the witnessed this era of building the first pyramid (the pyramid of Saqqara), with the development of agriculture and industry Egyptians used the first fleet of river road to transport their products • The total shipping of a great importance and became an organized craft like any other character established by the renowned ancient Egypt ·
Middle Kingdom (2160 - 1580 BC · m):
Kings of the Central projects most beneficial to the people flourished agriculture and handicrafts to flourish, and produced the Egyptian artists and engineers have a great heritage that spread in Luxor, Fayoum, Ain Shams · also flourished in art and literature in this era, but the end of the rule of this country has witnessed the invasion of the Hyksos and their occupation of Egypt •
New Kingdom (1580 - 1150 BC · m):
After that of King Ahmose I, the Hyksos and expelled outside the borders of Egypt's eastern back security and stability in the country • The Egypt began a new era is the era of the modern state, and I realized Egypt importance of military force to protect the country, was established with a strong army to create a great empire stretching from the River Euphrates to the east to the fourth cataract of the Nile south · Egypt became a great power, and became a great empire so vast and the oldest empire in the history ·
Kings and queens of the Twelfth Dynasty fame in the fields of politics, war, culture, civilization and religion:
"Ahmose" liberation hero
"Amenhotep I," which just passed a law to ban forced labor and to develop fair criteria for wages and incentives ·
"Thutmose I," the warrior who expanded the Egyptian borders north and south, spread education and expanded to open the mines and the mining industry ·
"And Tuthmosis II" dude
And "Thutmose III" Emperor's unique military genius and the first great conqueror in the history of the world ·
And "Thutmose IV," the diplomat, who was the first to note the care and registration of international treaties ·
And "Amenhotep III" the richest king in the ancient world, which opened schools or "houses of life" to spread education, plastic and applied arts ·
And "Akhenaten," the first monotheists and the first king in the history of humanity called the oneness of God the Creator of everything ·
And "Tutankhamun" who won fame in the modern world ·
Among the most famous queens of this family, for example:
The Queen, "Ahhotep" the wife of the King "Seqenenre"
Queen "Ahmose Nefertari" the wife of Ahmose I
Queen "T" people, girl and wife of Amenhotep III and mother of Akhenaten
Queen "Nefertiti" wife "Akhenaten"
Great Queen "Hatshepsut," which ruled Egypt for nearly twenty years · and reached Egypt in its administration the highest peak in the culture and architecture, international trade, where the Mission sent a merchant marine and scientific to the land of "Punt" also built one of the greatest architectural monuments and the most splendor and luxury, a temple, "Bahari" on the western shore of the Nile in the face of Luxor Temple is unique in its design and has no parallel between the temples of the ancient world all ·
And This era also witnessed a "revolution of Akhenaten religious" calling to the worship of one God and the symbol of a sun disc and established a new capital of the country and called it "Okhittatun" · and Egypt suffered since the rule of the family 21 to 28 for the occupation by the Assyrians in 670 BC · and the Persians until the end the rule of Pharaohs with the family 30 and Alexander the Great invaded Egypt •

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Old Kingdom (2980 - 2475 BC · m):
Egyptian civilization evolved and crystallized the principles of the central government, and the era saw the state comprehensive renaissance in all aspects of life, when he and the Egyptians to the hieroglyphic writing of any (engraving Bible), and is interested in the Kings to secure the country's borders and the active trade movement between Egypt and Sudan • The Egypt received pm glorious in the history of known as the era of the builders of the pyramids, and the witnessed this era of building the first pyramid (the pyramid of Saqqara), with the development of agriculture and industry Egyptians used the first fleet of river road to transport their products • The total shipping of a great importance and became an organized craft like any other character established by the renowned ancient Egypt ·
Middle Kingdom (2160 - 1580 BC · m):
Kings of the Central projects most beneficial to the people flourished agriculture and handicrafts to flourish, and produced the Egyptian artists and engineers have a great heritage that spread in Luxor, Fayoum, Ain Shams · also flourished in art and literature in this era, but the end of the rule of this country has witnessed the invasion of the Hyksos and their occupation of Egypt •
New Kingdom (1580 - 1150 BC · m):
After that of King Ahmose I, the Hyksos and expelled outside the borders of Egypt's eastern back security and stability in the country • The Egypt began a new era is the era of the modern state, and I realized Egypt importance of military force to protect the country, was established with a strong army to create a great empire stretching from the River Euphrates to the east to the fourth cataract of the Nile south · Egypt became a great power, and became a great empire so vast and the oldest empire in the history ·
Kings and queens of the Twelfth Dynasty fame in the fields of politics, war, culture, civilization and religion:
"Ahmose" liberation hero
"Amenhotep I," which just passed a law to ban forced labor and to develop fair criteria for wages and incentives ·
"Thutmose I," the warrior who expanded the Egyptian borders north and south, spread education and expanded to open the mines and the mining industry ·
"And Tuthmosis II" dude
And "Thutmose III" Emperor's unique military genius and the first great conqueror in the history of the world ·
And "Thutmose IV," the diplomat, who was the first to note the care and registration of international treaties ·
And "Amenhotep III" the richest king in the ancient world, which opened schools or "houses of life" to spread education, plastic and applied arts ·
And "Akhenaten," the first monotheists and the first king in the history of humanity called the oneness of God the Creator of everything ·
And "Tutankhamun" who won fame in the modern world ·
Among the most famous queens of this family, for example:
The Queen, "Ahhotep" the wife of the King "Seqenenre"
Queen "Ahmose Nefertari" the wife of Ahmose I
Queen "T" people, girl and wife of Amenhotep III and mother of Akhenaten
Queen "Nefertiti" wife "Akhenaten"
Great Queen "Hatshepsut," which ruled Egypt for nearly twenty years · and reached Egypt in its administration the highest peak in the culture and architecture, international trade, where the Mission sent a merchant marine and scientific to the land of "Punt" also built one of the greatest architectural monuments and the most splendor and luxury, a temple, "Bahari" on the western shore of the Nile in the face of Luxor Temple is unique in its design and has no parallel between the temples of the ancient world all ·
And This era also witnessed a "revolution of Akhenaten religious" calling to the worship of one God and the symbol of a sun disc and established a new capital of the country and called it "Okhittatun" · and Egypt suffered since the rule of the family 21 to 28 for the occupation by the Assyrians in 670 BC · and the Persians until the end the rule of Pharaohs with the family 30 and Alexander the Great invaded Egypt •