Revolution of January 25 the greatest revolution in the history of Egypt.

In Egypt and the Arab world in general, and the protests and subsequent changes in the government, often called a revolution, January 25, and passion, sometimes called the youth revolution, a revolution or a revolution, the white lotus. In some media, it was known as the "revolution of the 18 day." And also called revolution comedy.

The definition of a revolution beginning January 25:

Is a popular uprising that began on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 (1/25/2011) corresponding to 21 February 1432 (and was on January 25th is the day specified by the number of destinations and persons most prominent activist Wael Gnimouhrkh April 6 Youth, a Holiday falls on the police in Egypt '.
Reasons of passion in Egypt:

Alospaab indirect.

1 - Emergency LawThe spread of the riot police from the paramilitary Central Security during the revolution of January 25
Regime in Egypt is the semi-presidential republic under Emergency Law (Law No. 162 of 1958) in place since 1967, with the exception of a break for 18 months in the early eighties. Under the Act expanded the authority of the police and suspended constitutional rights and imposed censorship and severely under the law of any non-governmental political activity such as organizing demonstrations, and political organizations is not authorized, and the prohibition of any officially registered non-financial contributions. Under this law, was detained about 17,000 people, and the number of political prisoners as the highest estimate to 30,000 under the "emergency law" the government the right to book any person for an indefinite period for one reason or for no apparent reason, also under this law can not be the person to defend himself and can government to keep him in jail without trial. The government is working on the survival of the emergency law under the pretext of national security and the government continues to claim that without the emergency law, the opposition groups such as the Brotherhood of Muslims can pray to power in Egypt. So they do not give up the parliamentary elections and the confiscation of property of the main financiers of the Muslim Brotherhood and the arrest of those symbols and actions are almost impossible without the emergency law and to prevent the independence of the judicial system [13]. Madwa democracy in Egypt say that this is incompatible with the principles and foundations of democracy, which include the right of citizens to a fair trial and their right to vote for any candidate and / or the party they see fit to serve their country.2 - police brutality
Is one of the main causes of indirect in this revolution, as it is under an emergency law suffered the Egyptian citizen a lot of injustice and violation of his human rights, which is in the way of arrest and imprisonment, murder and other, and these events occurred killing Cheb Khaled Mohammed Said, who died at the hands of police in the area Sidi Gaber in Alexandria on June 6, 2010, who they beat him to death in front of many witnesses. [15]. On June 25 he led the former director Mohamed ElBaradei of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Alexandria, a rally denouncing police abuses and then visited the family of Khaled Said to offer condolences
And died a young man in thirty, Mr. Bilal during his detention at SSI in Alexandria, has reportedly tortured severely, and spread on a large scale video showing the effects of torture in the head, abdomen and hands. [17]
He said that many police officers have been caught using violence. He was transferred from one police told the demonstrators that one of his remaining three months of service, and then after that, "I'll be on the other side of the barrier" [18].Total victims of violence and bullying and the Egyptian Interior Ministry arrived to 350 (martyr)3 - the presidency of Hosni Mubarak
The rule of President Hosni Mubarak, Egypt since 1981. His government has been criticized in the media and local NGOs. "Won the backing of Israel in support of the West, and thus the continuation of the massive annual aid from the United States" and famous for his government on Islamic extremists in their campaigns, with the result that the United States has fallen silent in the initial responses to violations of Hosni Mubarak. It was rare to remember the American press in the titles of news main ongoing cases of social protest and political position in Egypt and has been for the rule of Mubarak significant impact on the deterioration of the economic and social on the Egyptians, in addition to the significant decline in the level of education and high rates of unemployment and the spread of crime in the country.4 - corruption, poor economic conditions, social and politicalA banner containing the protesters' demands
During his increased political corruption in the management of the Ministry of the Interior Mubarak largely due to the increasing influence on the institutional system, which is necessary to secure the presidency for a long time. This has led to the imprisonment of corrupt political figures and activists, young people without trial and the existence of secret detention centers for undocumented and illegal, and also refused to universities, mosques, newspapers, staff on the basis of political leanings.On the personal level, it was possible for any individual or officer to violate the privacy of any citizen in his district for his arrest without the condition because of the emergency law.
Transparency International is an international organization to monitor all forms of corruption including political corruption. In a report in the corruption index in 2010 evaluated the Egypt of 3.1 based on the perceptions of the degree of corruption, from businessmen and analysts, the state, where 10 is very clean and 0 means highly corrupt. Egypt occupies position 98 of the country out of 178 listed in the report
By late 2010 about 40% of Egypt's population live below the poverty line depend on the national income is equivalent to about $ 2 per day per person and depends a large part of the population on the subsidized goods.5 - Increasing population and increasing poverty ratesPoor neighborhood in Cairo.
Egypt is the second largest country by population in Africa after Nigeria, the largest country in the Middle East. And according to estimates by the year 2007 the number of Egypt's population of about 78,733,641 people (there are other estimates say the number of Egypt's population reached 81,713,517 in July 2008). [27] where there is a statistical increase in the number of people say that Egypt is increasingly a child every "23 seconds" any Egypt increases about 1.5 million people per year, which constitutes a major threat to the limited resources in Egypt unless there are unaware of the Government of using this wealth populated
While the population of Egypt in 1966, 30,083,419 people, and most Egyptians live near the banks of the River Nile, in an area of ​​about 40,000 square kilometers (15000 square miles), because this land is considered the only viable agriculture in Egypt. The increase in population accompanied by economic decline as a result of the failure of state policies to take advantage of the increased manpower, and the emergence of a new generation of young people, many of them university graduates, but non-paying jobs to increase the numbers of black opposition, where the young spine of the revolution, as well as their knowledge document generally modern means of communication and use them effectively in the organization of the revolution and keep it alive during the cutting regime of Hosni Mubarak for communication in the country from the beginnings of the revolution and played this factor a major role and even a presidential statement on the outbreak of the revolution, especially with the increase in poverty in the Egyptian society, rising to 80% of the people, including more than 40% Madomin any below the poverty line and this split the Egyptian society into two classes is not their central one is a minority has everything, and it represents only 20% of the people and the second layer the majority of do not have anything which represents 80% of the people and this is the system Alaolijarky which dominated by the lack of wealth Mstolen the people's right to Drudge and the so-called monopoly capitalism, which tries to businessmen and Investor control and monopoly over the bodies and systems of the State to try to govern for their own understanding of this control on all bodies and authorities of the State legislature was, executive and even judicial.6 - Mohamed ElBaradeiMain article: Mohamed ElBaradei
The emergence of Mohamed ElBaradei, the impact of the return of hope and activity of the political ferment in Egypt, where he called for constitutional changes to ensure the integrity of the presidential election. Also formed groups of young men launched a campaign called "grass-roots campaign in support of ElBaradei" has collected signatures from people demanding to ElBaradei even amend the Constitution in their name.7 - to export Egyptian gas to Israel
Since 2004, Egypt entered into four contracts under which the export of natural gas to Israel - many times at a lower price than the market price - and extends the work of these contracts until the year 2030. And these contracts have caused major political crises in the Egyptian government because of opposition from oil experts and former ambassadors as the export begins in the case of a surplus unless there is in Egypt.They considered those contracts a waste of public money and a compliment to Israel as well as marred by corruption and lack of transparency which is called the administrative court in Egypt to issue rulings invalidating the decision and the Minister of Petroleum Sameh Fahmi on his nomination as directors of public companies to sell gas to the company, Salem (and is a former intelligence officer and Egyptian A Hosni Mubarak's closest friends and has many of the companies and the most important resorts in South Sinai Naama Bay, where Mubarak gave a palace there to be a winter resort for the head), which in turn export to the Israeli Electricity Company. The Court called on the Egyptian government to reconsider the export prices, where shall the Egyptian gas to Israel by $ 2.5 per meter instead of $ 10 m according to the price the world, under a peace treaty, the Egyptian-Israeli 1979 between the late President Anwar Sadat and Prime Zarae Israel's Menachem Begin.But the government did not respond to this decision and went on the export of gas prices, which at the time of the agreement by more than three decades, this was the most important reasons people curse them.

Direct causes:

1 - People's Assembly electionsMain article: Egyptian People's Assembly elections 2010
People's Assembly elections were held two months before the outbreak of protests, the ruling National Party won 97% of the seats in the Council, any Council that was devoid of any opposition to remember; a thing which frustrated citizens. Has been described the elections Palmzorh because it contradicts reality in the Egyptian street. In addition to violating the rights of the Egyptian judiciary in supervising elections have ousted the court rulings on the illegality of some of the constituencies.And prevent the Brotherhood from participating in these elections are illegal.2 - murder of a young Muhammad Khalid SaeedMain article: Khalid Saeed
The Egyptian citizen Khaled Mohammed Saeed, was killed in Alexandria on 6 June 2010 after it was said that he was tortured to death by two laboratory Sidi Gaber police station, and has not been decided in his case after proving the charge of murder or where they should report such anatomical came second after first agreeing to the Egyptian public is Alnib re-autopsy, sparking widespread protests without a verdict in the case Furnishing a sensation in turn, represented an important prelude to the outbreak of the revolution [29].3 - the bombing of the saints in the Church of AlexandriaMain article: 2011 bombing of Alexandria
Bombing of the Church of Saints is a terrorist attack occurred in the city of Alexandria, the center of Christmas celebrations for the Eastern Churches. After New Year's twenty minutes before the explosion occurred Saints Church in Sidi Bishr. This terrorist attack left 24 dead and wounded 97 people (including Muslims). The first terrorist attack in this terrible scene occurs in the history of Egypt. Shortly before the al-Qaeda to target a church in Baghdad and threatened to churches in Egypt. Two weeks before the bombing and posted on a radical call for the bombing of churches in Egypt and addresses Aktar from the Church of the saints whom the Church and the ways and methods by which the manufacture of explosives. This process caused a shock in Egypt and in the whole world. And Kter of Christians protested in the streets, and some Muslims joined the protests. After the clash between police and protesters in Alexandria and Cairo, and chanted slogans against Mubarak's rule in Egypt. It was discovered that the Egyptian Interior Ministry - the case under investigation - are behind these bombings the help of terrorist groups and that there is a secret weapon in the ministry was founded by twenty-two officers and under the supervision of the Minister of the Interior, "Habib al-Adli" and was converted to the trial after the recognition of the perpetrators of the attacks When their request for political asylum at the British embassy, ​​and believed to be former Interior Minister Habib al-Adli is responsible for this incident.4 - killing the young Mr. BilalMain article: Syed Bilal
Syed Bilal (1981 - January 6, 2011), an Egyptian citizen living in Alexandria, was arrested by men of the state security apparatus is, along with many of the Salafis for questioning in the bombing of the Church of saints and tortured him to death. The Egyptian police have arrested the Syed Bilal from his home at dawn Wednesday, January 5, 2011 AD and subjected him to torture and then returned to his family the next day a dead body.
The Syed Bilal, 30 year old and holds a diploma in industrial. Work in the company Petrojet until 2006, when he was arrested and put in prison for Lehman Abu Zaabal.Brad then worked for welding. A father of a child one year old and two months. The Salafis and others from the opposition demonstrated on Friday, January 21 against the killing of Syed Bilal and was confined to the mosques after Friday prayers, I have to be with their brothers of the young people of Egypt on 25 January to demand the resignation of Interior Minister Habib al-Adli and accountability of the killers of Mr. Bilal and the abolition of emergency law.5 - a popular revolution, the TunisianMain article: People's Revolution Tunisian
Broke people's revolution in Tunisia on 18 December 2010 (ie before 38 days of the outbreak of passion Egyptian) in protest against the social and economic conditions and bad political and solidarity with Mohamed Bouazizi who set himself on fire, and was able to this revolution in less than a month the overthrow of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (who ruled the country for 23 years with an iron fist). This success of the popular revolution of Tunisia showed that the strength of the Arab people lies in a demonstration and out into the street, and that the army is a force in support of the people and the system is not a tool to suppress the people. The revolution that lit up the hope of the Arab people for his ability to change the regulations parked it and achieve their aspirations.6 - Albuazizih phenomenon in Egypt
A week before the beginning of the events; Four Egyptian citizens on Tuesday, January 18 in 2011 set fire to themselves in a separate protest on the living conditions and economic and political bad they are:
* Mohammad Farooq Hassan (Cairo).* Syed Ali (from Cairo).* Ahmad Hashem Sayed (Alexandria) - died on the same day died of burns he suffered.* Mohamed Ashour pleasure (from Cairo).
There is also another person he sew his mouth and sit in front of Nkabhasahvien required to bring down former Minister of Health Hatem and the Tunisian citizen Ahtmaoua Bouazizi Mohammed that sparked the uprising Tunisian burned himself.
He was some social scientists, writers, journalists called "the phenomenon of Albuazizih"The repeated accidents in the Arab world, which burned the protesters themselves - a tradition of Muhammad Bouazizi - to protest unemployment and economic conditions, social and political bad. These included the phenomenon to several Arab countries. (See the tradition of the experience of Mohammed Bouazizi).
Although the phenomenon of Albuazizih ashamed of the history of the phenomenon but it is mentioned that have helped spark the Arab revolts and overthrow dictatorships in several Arab countries.7 - social sites on the InternetMain article: Wael Ghoneim
The Egyptian citizen and activist Wael Ghanim Abdul Rahman Al-MansourCreate a page titled "We are all Khaled Said" in the social networking site Facebook on the Internet, and Khalid Saeed, was killed in Alexandria on 6 June 2010, after having been tortured to death by two informers Police Department Sidi Gaber, sparking widespread protests represented in turn, an important prelude to the outbreak of the revolution. Also called Ghoneim and activist Wael Abdul Rahman Mansour, through page on Facebook to angry demonstrations on January 25, 2011. And has had a major role in coordination with the young men to blow up the revolution in January 25, 2011 AD.
Revolution when it began on Jan. 25 was composed of young people who saw the page (we are all Khaled Said) on Facebook or young Facebook said Wael Ghoneim, in his interview with Mona El Shazly in the program of the tenth night, and then turned into a revolution in which all young people, and now turned into a revolution in which all sects of the Egyptian people. .
"We are all set Khaled Said" Pal Facebook on the Internet

Invites all young people to go out and sit in Tahrir Square to protest the killing of Khalid Saeed and the spread of corruption and injustice in the country
The main ethics of revolution in the January 25 number of points
1 - the will and continuity to achieve what he believes the nation's youth and all its people2 - rejection, humiliation and corruption Alohanaorvd3 - altruism ... It was every one of us would prefer the other on the same4 - a sense of jihad of the Palestinian people5 - rich sense of the suffering of the poor destitute6 - Union of Muslim, Christian and protect each other7 - attention to cleanliness of the country, places and streets8 - Union and to agree on one idea9 - maintaining the integrity of the country and not be compromised10 - Love Abannahab re-development and prosperity for our beloved Egypt11 - prayer in times of one ..12 - bear the cold and lack of food13 - organization and operation of the People's Committees, which continued after the revolution14 - stand in the face of terrorists hired15 - a good understanding of the people "that the army is the valve of Homeland Security16 - feed the feeling of belonging. Loyalty and patriotism.17 - to generate a people of "different" from that which was before the revolution, it is a revolution in all areas and fields.18 - people become successful "in the administration with regard to development, prosperity and progress

Gains of the revolution Egypt:
1 - the continuing revolution of Tunisia and determination to achieve their gains.2 - lift the state of emergency in Algeria.3 - dismissal of the Jordanian government and the formation of a new government.4 - announcement of the Yemeni president not to nominate his son in the upcoming elections.5 - the amount of the distribution of 1,000 Kuwaiti dinars each to raise the standard of living.6 - increase in staff salaries twentieth Jordanian dinars, and reduce the prices of oil derivatives and reduce taxes.7 - the announcement by Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki not to run for the next electoral cycle.8 - dismissal of the Qatari Minister of Energy for failing to work.9 - demonstrations in Syria ... And the establishment of the Baathist regime to suppress10 - more than a dozen demonstrations in different parts of Iraq to improve the service .... and what was for those people that do not pretend to Egypt's Revolution ...11 - bills that will reform after a period to come into force in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and other Gulf states.12 - the new Sudanese to accept the reality and accept the results of the referendum, whatever the result.13 - the amount of the distribution of 15,000 Iraqi dinars per person compensation for the shortage of food continued for months that Iraq is working mechanism of the ration card.14 - open sites YouTube and Facebook in Syria.15 large popular demonstrations in several Arab countries, after Egypt's youth to break the barrier of fear.Results Revolution January 25:

Led this revolution to the resignation of President Mohammad Hosni Mubarak the verdict in the February 11, 2011 m, in the sixth evening of Friday, February 11, 2011 AD Deputy President Omar Suleiman in a short statement on Friday, giving up the president from office and he charged the Council of the Armed Forces Department of country

Articles from newspapers

While the cameras and scene movement of live images of tens of thousands of Egyptians who are gathered in public squares in Cairo and Alexandria, Suez, Ismailia and others denouncing the government and the President and all that belongs

To power in Egypt, while the news was growing death toll from clashes in Suez and injuries in other areas, the government newspaper Al-Ahram Manceta to compile a front page talking about the big celebration hosted by
Citizens in the cities of the Republic of the police and the men and quantities of flowers and sweets were distributed and visits by people to the clubs to congratulate the police, next to the headline is talking about another major popular unrest in Lebanon!!
This act, which can hit him dozens of examples of what happened in the Egyptian media, may bring us to remember Tojat Tunisian fugitive dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali cringes when he was to his people in his last moments, he says: I have Dillona.
Themselves and their prisoners only five hundred citizens, and this is the first time the number of demonstrators less than the number of detainees!! , But this is the level of press the regime of President Mubarak, the official and this is the level of mental choices Safwat al-Sharif to press leaders of the mouthpiece of the ruling party.
Egyptian state television has been coordinating with the police on the streets of the boot process Alastbahh made after midnight against the demonstrators, the Tamer Khairy Ramadan and the Secretary talk about the demonstrations were going

Popular posts

In Egypt and the Arab world in general, and the protests and subsequent changes in the government, often called a revolution, January 25, and passion, sometimes called the youth revolution, a revolution or a revolution, the white lotus. In some media, it was known as the "revolution of the 18 day." And also called revolution comedy.

The definition of a revolution beginning January 25:

Is a popular uprising that began on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 (1/25/2011) corresponding to 21 February 1432 (and was on January 25th is the day specified by the number of destinations and persons most prominent activist Wael Gnimouhrkh April 6 Youth, a Holiday falls on the police in Egypt '.
Reasons of passion in Egypt:

Alospaab indirect.

1 - Emergency LawThe spread of the riot police from the paramilitary Central Security during the revolution of January 25
Regime in Egypt is the semi-presidential republic under Emergency Law (Law No. 162 of 1958) in place since 1967, with the exception of a break for 18 months in the early eighties. Under the Act expanded the authority of the police and suspended constitutional rights and imposed censorship and severely under the law of any non-governmental political activity such as organizing demonstrations, and political organizations is not authorized, and the prohibition of any officially registered non-financial contributions. Under this law, was detained about 17,000 people, and the number of political prisoners as the highest estimate to 30,000 under the "emergency law" the government the right to book any person for an indefinite period for one reason or for no apparent reason, also under this law can not be the person to defend himself and can government to keep him in jail without trial. The government is working on the survival of the emergency law under the pretext of national security and the government continues to claim that without the emergency law, the opposition groups such as the Brotherhood of Muslims can pray to power in Egypt. So they do not give up the parliamentary elections and the confiscation of property of the main financiers of the Muslim Brotherhood and the arrest of those symbols and actions are almost impossible without the emergency law and to prevent the independence of the judicial system [13]. Madwa democracy in Egypt say that this is incompatible with the principles and foundations of democracy, which include the right of citizens to a fair trial and their right to vote for any candidate and / or the party they see fit to serve their country.2 - police brutality
Is one of the main causes of indirect in this revolution, as it is under an emergency law suffered the Egyptian citizen a lot of injustice and violation of his human rights, which is in the way of arrest and imprisonment, murder and other, and these events occurred killing Cheb Khaled Mohammed Said, who died at the hands of police in the area Sidi Gaber in Alexandria on June 6, 2010, who they beat him to death in front of many witnesses. [15]. On June 25 he led the former director Mohamed ElBaradei of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Alexandria, a rally denouncing police abuses and then visited the family of Khaled Said to offer condolences
And died a young man in thirty, Mr. Bilal during his detention at SSI in Alexandria, has reportedly tortured severely, and spread on a large scale video showing the effects of torture in the head, abdomen and hands. [17]
He said that many police officers have been caught using violence. He was transferred from one police told the demonstrators that one of his remaining three months of service, and then after that, "I'll be on the other side of the barrier" [18].Total victims of violence and bullying and the Egyptian Interior Ministry arrived to 350 (martyr)3 - the presidency of Hosni Mubarak
The rule of President Hosni Mubarak, Egypt since 1981. His government has been criticized in the media and local NGOs. "Won the backing of Israel in support of the West, and thus the continuation of the massive annual aid from the United States" and famous for his government on Islamic extremists in their campaigns, with the result that the United States has fallen silent in the initial responses to violations of Hosni Mubarak. It was rare to remember the American press in the titles of news main ongoing cases of social protest and political position in Egypt and has been for the rule of Mubarak significant impact on the deterioration of the economic and social on the Egyptians, in addition to the significant decline in the level of education and high rates of unemployment and the spread of crime in the country.4 - corruption, poor economic conditions, social and politicalA banner containing the protesters' demands
During his increased political corruption in the management of the Ministry of the Interior Mubarak largely due to the increasing influence on the institutional system, which is necessary to secure the presidency for a long time. This has led to the imprisonment of corrupt political figures and activists, young people without trial and the existence of secret detention centers for undocumented and illegal, and also refused to universities, mosques, newspapers, staff on the basis of political leanings.On the personal level, it was possible for any individual or officer to violate the privacy of any citizen in his district for his arrest without the condition because of the emergency law.
Transparency International is an international organization to monitor all forms of corruption including political corruption. In a report in the corruption index in 2010 evaluated the Egypt of 3.1 based on the perceptions of the degree of corruption, from businessmen and analysts, the state, where 10 is very clean and 0 means highly corrupt. Egypt occupies position 98 of the country out of 178 listed in the report
By late 2010 about 40% of Egypt's population live below the poverty line depend on the national income is equivalent to about $ 2 per day per person and depends a large part of the population on the subsidized goods.5 - Increasing population and increasing poverty ratesPoor neighborhood in Cairo.
Egypt is the second largest country by population in Africa after Nigeria, the largest country in the Middle East. And according to estimates by the year 2007 the number of Egypt's population of about 78,733,641 people (there are other estimates say the number of Egypt's population reached 81,713,517 in July 2008). [27] where there is a statistical increase in the number of people say that Egypt is increasingly a child every "23 seconds" any Egypt increases about 1.5 million people per year, which constitutes a major threat to the limited resources in Egypt unless there are unaware of the Government of using this wealth populated
While the population of Egypt in 1966, 30,083,419 people, and most Egyptians live near the banks of the River Nile, in an area of ​​about 40,000 square kilometers (15000 square miles), because this land is considered the only viable agriculture in Egypt. The increase in population accompanied by economic decline as a result of the failure of state policies to take advantage of the increased manpower, and the emergence of a new generation of young people, many of them university graduates, but non-paying jobs to increase the numbers of black opposition, where the young spine of the revolution, as well as their knowledge document generally modern means of communication and use them effectively in the organization of the revolution and keep it alive during the cutting regime of Hosni Mubarak for communication in the country from the beginnings of the revolution and played this factor a major role and even a presidential statement on the outbreak of the revolution, especially with the increase in poverty in the Egyptian society, rising to 80% of the people, including more than 40% Madomin any below the poverty line and this split the Egyptian society into two classes is not their central one is a minority has everything, and it represents only 20% of the people and the second layer the majority of do not have anything which represents 80% of the people and this is the system Alaolijarky which dominated by the lack of wealth Mstolen the people's right to Drudge and the so-called monopoly capitalism, which tries to businessmen and Investor control and monopoly over the bodies and systems of the State to try to govern for their own understanding of this control on all bodies and authorities of the State legislature was, executive and even judicial.6 - Mohamed ElBaradeiMain article: Mohamed ElBaradei
The emergence of Mohamed ElBaradei, the impact of the return of hope and activity of the political ferment in Egypt, where he called for constitutional changes to ensure the integrity of the presidential election. Also formed groups of young men launched a campaign called "grass-roots campaign in support of ElBaradei" has collected signatures from people demanding to ElBaradei even amend the Constitution in their name.7 - to export Egyptian gas to Israel
Since 2004, Egypt entered into four contracts under which the export of natural gas to Israel - many times at a lower price than the market price - and extends the work of these contracts until the year 2030. And these contracts have caused major political crises in the Egyptian government because of opposition from oil experts and former ambassadors as the export begins in the case of a surplus unless there is in Egypt.They considered those contracts a waste of public money and a compliment to Israel as well as marred by corruption and lack of transparency which is called the administrative court in Egypt to issue rulings invalidating the decision and the Minister of Petroleum Sameh Fahmi on his nomination as directors of public companies to sell gas to the company, Salem (and is a former intelligence officer and Egyptian A Hosni Mubarak's closest friends and has many of the companies and the most important resorts in South Sinai Naama Bay, where Mubarak gave a palace there to be a winter resort for the head), which in turn export to the Israeli Electricity Company. The Court called on the Egyptian government to reconsider the export prices, where shall the Egyptian gas to Israel by $ 2.5 per meter instead of $ 10 m according to the price the world, under a peace treaty, the Egyptian-Israeli 1979 between the late President Anwar Sadat and Prime Zarae Israel's Menachem Begin.But the government did not respond to this decision and went on the export of gas prices, which at the time of the agreement by more than three decades, this was the most important reasons people curse them.

Direct causes:

1 - People's Assembly electionsMain article: Egyptian People's Assembly elections 2010
People's Assembly elections were held two months before the outbreak of protests, the ruling National Party won 97% of the seats in the Council, any Council that was devoid of any opposition to remember; a thing which frustrated citizens. Has been described the elections Palmzorh because it contradicts reality in the Egyptian street. In addition to violating the rights of the Egyptian judiciary in supervising elections have ousted the court rulings on the illegality of some of the constituencies.And prevent the Brotherhood from participating in these elections are illegal.2 - murder of a young Muhammad Khalid SaeedMain article: Khalid Saeed
The Egyptian citizen Khaled Mohammed Saeed, was killed in Alexandria on 6 June 2010 after it was said that he was tortured to death by two laboratory Sidi Gaber police station, and has not been decided in his case after proving the charge of murder or where they should report such anatomical came second after first agreeing to the Egyptian public is Alnib re-autopsy, sparking widespread protests without a verdict in the case Furnishing a sensation in turn, represented an important prelude to the outbreak of the revolution [29].3 - the bombing of the saints in the Church of AlexandriaMain article: 2011 bombing of Alexandria
Bombing of the Church of Saints is a terrorist attack occurred in the city of Alexandria, the center of Christmas celebrations for the Eastern Churches. After New Year's twenty minutes before the explosion occurred Saints Church in Sidi Bishr. This terrorist attack left 24 dead and wounded 97 people (including Muslims). The first terrorist attack in this terrible scene occurs in the history of Egypt. Shortly before the al-Qaeda to target a church in Baghdad and threatened to churches in Egypt. Two weeks before the bombing and posted on a radical call for the bombing of churches in Egypt and addresses Aktar from the Church of the saints whom the Church and the ways and methods by which the manufacture of explosives. This process caused a shock in Egypt and in the whole world. And Kter of Christians protested in the streets, and some Muslims joined the protests. After the clash between police and protesters in Alexandria and Cairo, and chanted slogans against Mubarak's rule in Egypt. It was discovered that the Egyptian Interior Ministry - the case under investigation - are behind these bombings the help of terrorist groups and that there is a secret weapon in the ministry was founded by twenty-two officers and under the supervision of the Minister of the Interior, "Habib al-Adli" and was converted to the trial after the recognition of the perpetrators of the attacks When their request for political asylum at the British embassy, ​​and believed to be former Interior Minister Habib al-Adli is responsible for this incident.4 - killing the young Mr. BilalMain article: Syed Bilal
Syed Bilal (1981 - January 6, 2011), an Egyptian citizen living in Alexandria, was arrested by men of the state security apparatus is, along with many of the Salafis for questioning in the bombing of the Church of saints and tortured him to death. The Egyptian police have arrested the Syed Bilal from his home at dawn Wednesday, January 5, 2011 AD and subjected him to torture and then returned to his family the next day a dead body.
The Syed Bilal, 30 year old and holds a diploma in industrial. Work in the company Petrojet until 2006, when he was arrested and put in prison for Lehman Abu Zaabal.Brad then worked for welding. A father of a child one year old and two months. The Salafis and others from the opposition demonstrated on Friday, January 21 against the killing of Syed Bilal and was confined to the mosques after Friday prayers, I have to be with their brothers of the young people of Egypt on 25 January to demand the resignation of Interior Minister Habib al-Adli and accountability of the killers of Mr. Bilal and the abolition of emergency law.5 - a popular revolution, the TunisianMain article: People's Revolution Tunisian
Broke people's revolution in Tunisia on 18 December 2010 (ie before 38 days of the outbreak of passion Egyptian) in protest against the social and economic conditions and bad political and solidarity with Mohamed Bouazizi who set himself on fire, and was able to this revolution in less than a month the overthrow of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (who ruled the country for 23 years with an iron fist). This success of the popular revolution of Tunisia showed that the strength of the Arab people lies in a demonstration and out into the street, and that the army is a force in support of the people and the system is not a tool to suppress the people. The revolution that lit up the hope of the Arab people for his ability to change the regulations parked it and achieve their aspirations.6 - Albuazizih phenomenon in Egypt
A week before the beginning of the events; Four Egyptian citizens on Tuesday, January 18 in 2011 set fire to themselves in a separate protest on the living conditions and economic and political bad they are:
* Mohammad Farooq Hassan (Cairo).* Syed Ali (from Cairo).* Ahmad Hashem Sayed (Alexandria) - died on the same day died of burns he suffered.* Mohamed Ashour pleasure (from Cairo).
There is also another person he sew his mouth and sit in front of Nkabhasahvien required to bring down former Minister of Health Hatem and the Tunisian citizen Ahtmaoua Bouazizi Mohammed that sparked the uprising Tunisian burned himself.
He was some social scientists, writers, journalists called "the phenomenon of Albuazizih"The repeated accidents in the Arab world, which burned the protesters themselves - a tradition of Muhammad Bouazizi - to protest unemployment and economic conditions, social and political bad. These included the phenomenon to several Arab countries. (See the tradition of the experience of Mohammed Bouazizi).
Although the phenomenon of Albuazizih ashamed of the history of the phenomenon but it is mentioned that have helped spark the Arab revolts and overthrow dictatorships in several Arab countries.7 - social sites on the InternetMain article: Wael Ghoneim
The Egyptian citizen and activist Wael Ghanim Abdul Rahman Al-MansourCreate a page titled "We are all Khaled Said" in the social networking site Facebook on the Internet, and Khalid Saeed, was killed in Alexandria on 6 June 2010, after having been tortured to death by two informers Police Department Sidi Gaber, sparking widespread protests represented in turn, an important prelude to the outbreak of the revolution. Also called Ghoneim and activist Wael Abdul Rahman Mansour, through page on Facebook to angry demonstrations on January 25, 2011. And has had a major role in coordination with the young men to blow up the revolution in January 25, 2011 AD.
Revolution when it began on Jan. 25 was composed of young people who saw the page (we are all Khaled Said) on Facebook or young Facebook said Wael Ghoneim, in his interview with Mona El Shazly in the program of the tenth night, and then turned into a revolution in which all young people, and now turned into a revolution in which all sects of the Egyptian people. .
"We are all set Khaled Said" Pal Facebook on the Internet

Invites all young people to go out and sit in Tahrir Square to protest the killing of Khalid Saeed and the spread of corruption and injustice in the country
The main ethics of revolution in the January 25 number of points
1 - the will and continuity to achieve what he believes the nation's youth and all its people2 - rejection, humiliation and corruption Alohanaorvd3 - altruism ... It was every one of us would prefer the other on the same4 - a sense of jihad of the Palestinian people5 - rich sense of the suffering of the poor destitute6 - Union of Muslim, Christian and protect each other7 - attention to cleanliness of the country, places and streets8 - Union and to agree on one idea9 - maintaining the integrity of the country and not be compromised10 - Love Abannahab re-development and prosperity for our beloved Egypt11 - prayer in times of one ..12 - bear the cold and lack of food13 - organization and operation of the People's Committees, which continued after the revolution14 - stand in the face of terrorists hired15 - a good understanding of the people "that the army is the valve of Homeland Security16 - feed the feeling of belonging. Loyalty and patriotism.17 - to generate a people of "different" from that which was before the revolution, it is a revolution in all areas and fields.18 - people become successful "in the administration with regard to development, prosperity and progress

Gains of the revolution Egypt:
1 - the continuing revolution of Tunisia and determination to achieve their gains.2 - lift the state of emergency in Algeria.3 - dismissal of the Jordanian government and the formation of a new government.4 - announcement of the Yemeni president not to nominate his son in the upcoming elections.5 - the amount of the distribution of 1,000 Kuwaiti dinars each to raise the standard of living.6 - increase in staff salaries twentieth Jordanian dinars, and reduce the prices of oil derivatives and reduce taxes.7 - the announcement by Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki not to run for the next electoral cycle.8 - dismissal of the Qatari Minister of Energy for failing to work.9 - demonstrations in Syria ... And the establishment of the Baathist regime to suppress10 - more than a dozen demonstrations in different parts of Iraq to improve the service .... and what was for those people that do not pretend to Egypt's Revolution ...11 - bills that will reform after a period to come into force in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and other Gulf states.12 - the new Sudanese to accept the reality and accept the results of the referendum, whatever the result.13 - the amount of the distribution of 15,000 Iraqi dinars per person compensation for the shortage of food continued for months that Iraq is working mechanism of the ration card.14 - open sites YouTube and Facebook in Syria.15 large popular demonstrations in several Arab countries, after Egypt's youth to break the barrier of fear.Results Revolution January 25:

Led this revolution to the resignation of President Mohammad Hosni Mubarak the verdict in the February 11, 2011 m, in the sixth evening of Friday, February 11, 2011 AD Deputy President Omar Suleiman in a short statement on Friday, giving up the president from office and he charged the Council of the Armed Forces Department of country

Articles from newspapers

While the cameras and scene movement of live images of tens of thousands of Egyptians who are gathered in public squares in Cairo and Alexandria, Suez, Ismailia and others denouncing the government and the President and all that belongs

To power in Egypt, while the news was growing death toll from clashes in Suez and injuries in other areas, the government newspaper Al-Ahram Manceta to compile a front page talking about the big celebration hosted by
Citizens in the cities of the Republic of the police and the men and quantities of flowers and sweets were distributed and visits by people to the clubs to congratulate the police, next to the headline is talking about another major popular unrest in Lebanon!!
This act, which can hit him dozens of examples of what happened in the Egyptian media, may bring us to remember Tojat Tunisian fugitive dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali cringes when he was to his people in his last moments, he says: I have Dillona.
Themselves and their prisoners only five hundred citizens, and this is the first time the number of demonstrators less than the number of detainees!! , But this is the level of press the regime of President Mubarak, the official and this is the level of mental choices Safwat al-Sharif to press leaders of the mouthpiece of the ruling party.
Egyptian state television has been coordinating with the police on the streets of the boot process Alastbahh made after midnight against the demonstrators, the Tamer Khairy Ramadan and the Secretary talk about the demonstrations were going